Web oF Glass

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Behold the web of glass
Spun from the sands near the sea
Picture an endless number of grains of sand
So small in their infinitesimal numbers
One could be lost in their ceaseless repetition
Like stars in the sky
A hand reaches down and grabs it
Taking it bit by bit
Heating it and forging it
Pounding it slowly with a hammer
Pound pound pound
Working the glass
Spinning it
Weaving it
Making threads of infinitely fine weave
Ropes of glass
Gossamer threads
Shiny and spindly
Held in a hand
Flowing in and out
In and out
Up and down
Down and up
Taken one by one
Strung one unto another
Like dew drops on a summer’s morn
Delicately threaded one to another
Until an impossible web is made
Eternal beautiful
Complex in a spiral of glass and shine
Looking into the web draws the eye
Deeper and deeper
Up and down
Down and up
Until the eye is caught at the center
A maze of webs in the mind's eye
Spiraling on into eternity

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