Chapter Twelve

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Are you serious? he giggled.

Yeah. My first crush. I loved seeing the different emotions dancing around his face. He was now blushing.

Im your first everything. He said and walked closer to me.

Mfo ka Manqele. He burst out laughing and gave me a firm handshake.

Mfo ka Mfusi. Hes so much fun to be around.

We went back to the bedroom and got dressed. He wore my clothes. I was two sizes smaller than him, but they didnt look bad, they fitted him perfectly. My wardrobe consists of shorts; lots of them, t-shirts, shirts, and suits. I have a few pants, but I dont wear them all the time unless I dont wear a suit at work, and that is not often. I only have one pair of jeans and my mom got those for me forcefully. We went to the kitchen to make something to eat.

Must I make breakfast? I asked opening the fridge.

No, theres food from yesterday though. Im not used to that, having leftovers for breakfast. Not that I eat at this time of the morning

I wont eat now though. He frowned.

You cant make me eat alone. He sounds like a big baby.

Fine, Ill have a little bit, but my diet doesnt allow me to have solid food so early in the morning.

You are on a diet? his frown grew.

No, my eating plan. I said as I warmed the stew. I turned around on time to see him rolling his eyes.

I hope they fall off. He drags me through his teeth.

You are so uptight. You dont even have a life. he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

What does an eating plan have to do with being uptight. I told you about my weight problems. I defended.

Its not about the eating plan, its the boring person you want to be at such a young age. At your age I had experienced so much, been out to clubs, I was travelling around SA, partying having the time of my life, making mistakes, but you, you just sit here and work. what do you do when you arent working? I froze.

See. He pointed his hand at me. You dont even know.

I have no desire to go out and party, I just want to do what I love, and that is my job.

I still need to take you out. You have to experience life. he said shaking his head.

Ive been around the world; Ive experienced different ways of living. My family matters more too. I defended.

Your brother, Andrew was such a vibe, and he lived his life. Thats why it was easy for him to marry at a young age.

Who said marriage is the end of your life? Mvelo and Christine partied together even after Paloma and Zita were here. They literally went on their honeymoon when Zita was only 6 months old.

See, he knows what fun is. Not you. So, lets say we get married, you are going to want to a boring husband who wants to stay at home on a Friday night and watch boring movies? I turned to check on the pot.

Theres also nothing wrong with that. I said.

Oh my God Ntsakisi! He genuinely sounded annoyed.

Im joking Mthonga, but Im not a socialite, being around a lot of people irks me, thats why I dont do clubs. Ive been there a few times when I was in Uni, but it wasnt as fun as they made it out to be. Id rather have a chilled conversation in a quiet setting with some nice music, not loud, just having some expensive brandy and relax. Thats me. Not clubs filled with sweaty people high on drugs and alcohol. I think its because Im also a hygiene person, but I wont say that to him.

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