CH 2: Initiation & Relics

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*This is the longest I've made any chapter, over 7k words! so have fun reading! :)*

Beacon Academy

The ship landed on the bridge to beacon as students got off the ship, vomit boy included as he began throwing up in a trash can.

Ruby: "Wake up sleepy head! We're here!"

She said giggling a little

(y/n): "ugh...What time is it?"

He said a little drowsy since he hasn't slept much.

Yang: "Time for you to get up and off the ship, come on!"

She said as she booped his nose a little before he began to wake up more.

(y/n) slowly got up, stretched and got his bag before getting out of the ship with the two sisters, walking past Vomit boy.

They were walking on the bridge when (y/n) spotted the academy, he looked at it in awe. He had never seen a school like this back on Earth.

Yang: "The view from Vale's got nothing on this"

(y/n): "Woah Awesome school!"

He said like a little kid who just discovered something cool.

The two sisters looked at him then at each other before giggling, then Ruby spotted some student's weapons.

Ruby: "Woah sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff!"

She said with stars in her eyes. Before transitioning to hearts around her head.

"And she's got a fire sword!"

Ruby began to walk away before stopping herself and slowly turned to (y/n), pointing at him.

Ruby: "And you have a super awesome gun (y/n)!"

(y/n): "I do?"

Ruby: "Yea! Don't You?"

(y/n): "I mean it's just a gun..." ._.

Ruby gives a very dramatic gasp as her eyes widen.

Ruby: "just a- JUST A GUN?!"

Yang: "Woah calm down there sis, they're just weapons."

Ruby: "They're not 'just weapons' they are an extension of ourselves, they're a part of us."

"they're just so cool!"

(y/n): "Ok"

Yang: "Well why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?"

She said as Ruby took out Crescent Rose

(y/n): "Woah" he said in awe

"Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose, I'm just happy to see new ones. It's like meeting new people, only better"

"Which reminds me! We haven't seen your weapon yet (y/n)!

She said pointing at him again.

(y/n): "Ok fine" -_-

He sighs before taking out his P226, only for it to get snatched by Ruby at an incredible speed.

(y/n): O_O

She inspects the pistol with interest as Yang does the same, she notices "226" stamped on the grip along with the tick marks on the slide.

Ruby: "226? What does that mean?"

A Different World (EFT Male Reader X Rwby)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora