CH 7: A Dire Situation

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Before you read, could you answer this please: should I merge some of the previous chapters? Or should I leave them as they are now? (1/22/24)

(y/n)'s Dorm

(y/n) was in his dorm putting on his clothes after he just showered. He went over to the bathroom sink to put on his bindings. Looking at the mirror, he got his daily reminder of his scars.

(y/n): "Heya scars. Wanna see a magic trick?"

He grabbed some clean bindings and put them on, making the scars disappear. He covered his torso, arms and lower neck. Which as luck would have it; was just the right amount before they completely ran out.

After that he Realized he just put his last roll of bindings on.

(y/n): *Sigh* "Gotta get some more in the city" (ー_ー)

He put on a tank top before walking out of the bathroom and to his equipment; which was on top of the gun bench.

He put his jacket on before doing the same with his equipment. He hung his headphones over his neck and made sure his weapons were loaded with mags inside his rig.

He then grabbed a little wallet filled with Remnant's currency: Lien. Which students were given enough to last each month by Ozpin for any personal purchases.

(y/n): "Can't forget about you."

He grabbed his scroll from his dresser and looked at it. He really liked it, it worked almost like a regular smartphone. But can be collapsible, making it easy to carry.

He put the scroll and some of the money in his pocket before slinging both his bag and AK74M on his back and walked out of his dorm.

As he did that, the door to RWBY's dorm opened, revealing Ruby. Who was still in her sleep attire. She looked over to the PMC with a sleepy face before yawning.

Ruby: *Yawn* "Oh good morning (y/n). What are you doing up so early?"

She sleeply rubbed her eyes as (y/n) adjusted his bag and rifle.

(y/n): "Morning Ruby. I was just going to do some shopping out in The city."

Upon hearing that, the huntress in training immediately got out of her sleepy state as she fully woke up.

Ruby: "Wait you're going to the city?! Oh Oum! Can we come with you? I can quickly get changed and wake the team!"

Her outburst not only caught (y/n) by Surprise, but also woke the rest of her team up. Minus Blake.

(y/n): "You want to look for Blake, huh?"

Ruby: "Yes! It been a couple of days and she hasn't come back yet. It's making me worried!"

She threw her arms up in the air to prove her point. (y/n) sighed as he remembered when Ruby had told him what happened.

(y/n): "I understand. But you should probably give her some space first before you talk to her."

He put his hand on her shoulder.

Ruby: "You're right. But I still want to look for her!"

Yang then peeked her head out of the door and looked at them with a very sleepy face and messy hair.

Yang: "Ruby...What's with all the noise?"

She then noticed the PMC standing there, as she drowsily smiled at him.

A Different World (EFT Male Reader X Rwby)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ