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"I still can't believe we're not going to the same college, it's gonna be so weird without you!"
Your friend expressed as you ate lunch together.

You sighed,
"Yeah, I'll miss you. You said you wanted to be a teacher though, right? Maybe one day my kid will be your student,"

Your friend smiled,
"That's a nice thought. You gonna eat your fries?"

You rolled your eyes,
"You can have one fry,"

High school had ended, and now you were going to leave the nest and go out into the real world, university! You wouldn't say your high school experience was bad, you had good friends, grades, and weren't involved in any drama.

But damn that got kind of boring!

You wanted some excitement, something that'd make you excited to get to school the next day.

There was also the fact that you hadn't even had a single relationship in your whole school career. Not one kiss, never holding hands with anyone romantically, nothing!

As you sat on your bed and looked out into the night sky, you saw a shooting star racing across the dark canvas.

"I wish that university will be more interesting than high school,"
You spoke haphazardly before going to bed.


"We're gonna miss you so much!"
Your mother hugged you tightly before pressing a kiss onto your forehead.

"I know mom, I'll miss you too,"

You'd finished setting up your dorm room, and all that was left was to say goodbye to your parents and wait for your roommate.

You hugged your mother and father one last time before they left, leaving you alone in your room. You took a few moments to deal with the separation, but managed to keep yourself composed.

You heard a knock on your door and heard a key being used to open it. That must've been your roommate!

You were hoping they'd be someone nice, and if they weren't, you were hoping they'd be one of those people who didn't spend much time in the dorm room. Either way, you just hoped it wouldn't be too much of a hassle living with them.

But there was something peculiar about your roommate. Why did they have ears? Why did they have a tail? And why did they look like Gorou from Genshin Impact?!

"Hi! I'm your roommate, it's nice to meet you!"
He said enthusiastically, extending a hand.

You shook his hand, trying not to seem confused,
"Nice to meet you too, I'm (y/n),"

He smiled,
"I'm Gorou!"


He went to his side of the room and placed a box down on his mattress. From behind, it didn't look like his tail was artificial, it actually seemed connected to his body! There was also the fact that his tail and ears would twitch every so often, which helped you rule out the possibility that he was just some furry.

Seeing this, you decided to take a peek out of your dorm room door to see everyone else who was moving in.

It seemed pretty normal, with a some familiar faces from your high school and some other newer ones. But then a stream of people who looked eerily similar to characters from that damned gacha game started entering the halls, moving into various dorm rooms.

And no one else thought it was weird! Even when they dormed with people with ears and tails!

You took a quick sneaky photo of your new roommate and sent it to your friend.


You can't call everyone with brown hair Gorou
You sound like a loser


What're you even saying
Hybrid people have existed for like ever
Don't ask anyone else about that
You'll probably sound bigoted or smth

How didn't your friend find this weird?!

And then you remembered your wish.
And that shooting star.

You immediately facepalmed as you realized you should've just wished to be rich. But there were more important things to do.

"So Gorou, which high school did you come from?"

"Watatsumi High! My friend's grandpa used to be the principal, but then some lady got him fired..."

You quickly searched the high school up on your phone, and there it was! The high school that didn't exist until today had a seemingly rich past, and a very dramatic present.

There was also something else that was peculiar.

He only brought one box with him!

"Is that all you brought?"
You asked.

He laughed nervously,
"I'm not really good at packing, and my parents were busy helping my brothers move in to their dorms,"

Life must've played some sick cruel joke to make a video game character come to life and immediately make him a neglected son.

You grabbed a stuffed animal off your bed,
"Here, have this,"

He looked at the plushie with stars in his eyes,
"R-Really?! You mean it?!"

You nodded with a smile,
"Think of it as a housewarming gift,"

"I won't forget this!"
He exclaimed, gently setting the plushie down on his bed.

Even if you were becoming roommates with a fictional character, at least you'd have a new friend.


Do you think asking about their animal ears or tails would count as a micro-aggression

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