Chapter 21: Bad Fortune

Start from the beginning

You paused and turned to find Yuta's gaze locked onto you with an intensity that felt almost invasive. You felt a sudden knot from in your stomach. Talking was the last thing you wanted at that moment, but something in his expression suggested this wasn't a question to say no to.

You nodded and followed him as he led you away from the crowd. You began to walk along the snow-covered paths of the shrine. The stillness of the winter air only broken by the soft crunch of the snow beneath your feet.

After a few moments, Yuta finally broke the silence. "Have you ever heard of the prophecy of your family's clan?"



How did he know?

You turned to him, searching his face for clues.

"Gojo told me," he added quickly, his eyes briefly meeting yours before returning to the snow-covered path ahead.

Of course, he had. He told apparently everyone everything. Except you.

He never told you anything.

"The prophecy is just a myth," you replied. "Nothing but stories from a time long gone."

Yuta's expression remained serious. "It's said that the Fujiwara clan could either bring great prosperity or doom."

"The Fujiwara could do nothing. They were arrogant. They were greedy, and in the end, they were crushed by Sukuna. That's the reality," you said.

"Nevertheless, the Fujiwara clan was influential and powerful," Yuta continued, undeterred.

"But I'm not a Fujiwara. I have my father's name, who wasn't part of the clan. I have no connection to them."

"You carry their blood, their cursed technique. That's enough reason for people to be terrified," Yuta explained. "They believe you'll follow a path of destruction like your ancestors."

"You mean the higher-ups?"

"Yeah, they've set the bounty on your head."

You couldn't help but find that ironic. "They've put a bounty on the head of a person who couldn't even use that cursed technique they're so afraid of."

"Paranoia and greed for power blind them. In their eyes, your mere potential is a threat," Yuta continued.

"I know they're after me, Yuta," you said, stopping in your tracks.

"But you don't know the whole story," he also paused and turned to you. His expression grave. You waited for him to continue.

"It's true they put the bounty on your head, but before that, they've sent Gojo to kill you."

Your heart seemed to stop.

"What?" You exclaimed, the words escaping your lips louder than you intended, drawing the curious gazes of nearby onlookers. Yuta swiftly scanned the surroundings before gesturing for you to follow him again.

"Gojo was initially ordered to kill you because of your bloodline," he said again, as if it hadn't been clear the first time. "But he didn't, as you can see. Instead, he brought you to Jujutsu High."


He looked at you briefly, his eyebrow raised. "You know why."

Your mind raced. Yet your heart raced faster.

"From the moment you entered the school, Gojo took it upon himself to train you and put you under his personal protection. The higher-ups were furious, to say the least, and it didn't help that he threatened to burn the school down if anyone laid a hand on you. So in return, they limited his powers, suspended him, and cut off his resources."

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