Chapter 16: Assault

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Laughter once again filled the air as you all sat around a high-top table in a bustling bar, the earlier altercation with Satoru pushed to the back of your mind. The dim lighting and the clink of glasses created a cocoon that made the outside world seem distant.

"I'm telling you, the spicier the food, the better the night," Yuji said, slapping Megumi on the back. Yuji took another hearty bite of the burrito, which the bartender had boasted to be the spiciest thing he'd ever tasted.

Megumi shook his head. "Your taste is really awful."

Nobara rolled her eyes, sipping her drink. "Yuji, the only thing you're going to attract with that fiery breath is a dragon looking for its lost sibling."

You chuckled along. "Well, I guess it's time for another round of drinks. Yuji, shall I get you a shot of pure chili with a side of vodka? Or just milk?"

Yuji feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "I'll have you know, my palate is refined. I am a connoisseur of all things spicy and adventurous."

"Which is why you cried at the last hot wing challenge?" Nobara teased, her eyebrow arched in amusement.

"Those were tears of joy, a tribute to the spice gods."

Nobara shook her head with a grin. "Sure, Yuji. We'll put that on your tombstone."

The group erupted into laughter, and you took the opportunity to head to the bar for another round of drinks. The lively chatter of the bar guests created a soothing backdrop as you squeezed through the crowd.

Reaching the bar, you signaled the bartender and waited, idly watching the colorful array of bottles lined up. That's when you felt someone sidle up next to you. Too close.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" A man with a hopeful smile leaned against the bar, trying to catch your eye.

"No, thank you. I'm with my friends."

He persisted, inching closer. "Come on, what's the harm? One drink."

You shifted uncomfortably. "Really, I'm fine. Please excuse me."

Unfortunately, the man took this as a challenge rather than a dismissal. "Come on, don't be like that—."

Before you could respond, Megumi was standing behind the drunken, tipping on the man's shoulder. The guy turned, meeting Megumi's unyielding gaze. "She's not interested, buddy," Megumi said.

In a flash, Megumi's fist connected with the man's jaw, the sound sharp in the din of the bar, sending him staggering backwards. You hold your breath. Your eyes widening as the man in front of you tumbled from his chair and crashed onto the floor.

The bar erupted into chaos, but Yuji and Nobara were quick to intervene. "We should've stuck to the milk plan," Yuji muttered as he stepped between Megumi and the unfolding scene.

Nobara nodded, pulling Megumi and you back. "Yeah, because apparently, it's the cure for more than just spicy food."

With a mix of urgency and stealth, you all made your way out of the bar. The evening's earlier laughter now replaced by the adrenaline of a quick getaway.

You spilled out of the bar into the neon-lit streets of Tokyo, the cold night air filling your lungs as you sprinted away from the commotion. Laughter and shouts faded into the distance behind you. Your group weaved through the bustling crowds, blending into the sea of people until you were sure you'd put enough space between yourselves and the bar.

Finally, breathless and far enough away to be safe, you all collapsed onto a park bench under a large, sprawling tree just beside the Sumida river. Yuji bent over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Nobara was the first to break into laughter.

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