Chapter 20: Broken Trust

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You didn't eat. You weren't hungry.

You sat at the table with Nobara, Megumi, and Yuji, picking at your breakfast, lost in your own thoughts. The usual lively banter among the group replaced by a heavy silence.

It had only been a few days. In the beginning, you had locked yourself in your room, refusing to see anyone. Nobara's constant attempts to bring you back eventually succeeded, and you reluctantly returned to your regular routine. You tried to get back to business as usual, though you despised that saying now. Nothing was the same. Everything had changed.

"So, I guess the wedding is canceled?" Yuji blurted out suddenly.

The joke landed awkwardly, to say the least.

Nobara shot Yuji a sharp look. "Not the time, Yuji."

Yuji's grin faltered, he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry, just trying to cheer things up."

"You really have a bad timing," Megumi remarked.


You pushed the food around your plate, your appetite nowhere to be found.

Yuji tried to change the subject. "Hey, did anyone finish the mission report from last week?"

Megumi nodded. "Yeah, I handled it."

Silence again.

Nobara's eyes lit up with an idea. "Hey, you know what? Since we've got a whole week off, why don't we go on a vacation? A change of scenery could do us some good."

Yuji's face brightened at the suggestion. "That sounds awesome! We could go to the beach, or maybe the mountains?"

Megumi considered it for a moment. "Doesn't sound like a bad plan."

Nobara nodded. "Exactly! We all deserve a break, especially after all this crap. Let's go somewhere, chill out, and forget about everything for a while."

You felt a sudden knot from in your stomach. How the hell could the others be so damn carefree about this. You couldn't even celebrate Megumi's birthday without almost getting killed. How should you go on a fucking vacation. That would never happen. Satoru wouldn't allow it.

"I vote for somewhere with good food! Maybe a hot spring resort? They usually have great meals," Yuji chimed in.

"Sounds good," Megumi agreed.

Nobara clapped her hands together. "It's settled then! A hot spring resort it is. I'll start looking up some places."

You remained silent, pondering over all the possibilities how this could go wrong. Then you felt a gentle pressure on your thigh under the table. Glancing down, then subtly towards Megumi, you noticed it was his hand. His thumb caressed your leg. Only now did you realize that you were tense.

His gaze met yours and something within his eyes gave you the feeling that it might be okay. Maybe, just maybe, this vacation was what you all needed—a chance to step back, to breathe. The idea didn't seem so terrible anymore. Perhaps it was worth giving it a chance.

But there was still an issue.

"Satoru wouldn't let me go," you said.

Nobara rolled her eyes. "Oh please, since when do you need Gojo's permission for anything? Besides, he's been overprotective lately. A little space might do his ego some good."

Yuji nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and if he complains, we'll just go without telling him!"

"If he's really that concerned, we should ask Yuta to come with us. He's second to Gojo, that should do," Nobara added.

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