Chapter 13: Love and Betrayal

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"Satoru!" You screamed into the communication earpiece, panic racing through your veins. "Satoru, respond! Are you okay?"

But there was nothing but an eerie static on the other end. Amid the smoky haze, your heart pounded in your ears. The shockwave from the explosion had thrown you slightly back, but you were nearly on the edge of the building within a second, ready to jump right into the fray.

Megumi swiftly grabbed your arm, his grip firm yet not hurtful. "Don't," he said. "You rushing in there blindly will help no one."

"But he's—"

"The strongest," Megumi cut in. "If there's anyone who can handle this, it's him."

You knew he was right, but the gnawing dread within you was relentless. Before either of you could react further, an overwhelming energy engulfed the vicinity. The sky darkened ominously, and the ambient noises seemed to muffle. Colors distorted and space itself seemed to warp as an intricate pattern sprawled across the panorama.

A domain expansion.

Your eyes widened as you beheld his signature domain, unlike any other sorcerer's domains. From your vantage point, you could see the vast and seemingly infinite expanse dominated by cosmic-like designs, shimmering lights, and an impossibly tall figure standing in the midst.

Megumi exhaled slowly, clearly relieved. "He's got it."

Your breathing steadied a bit, but the weight in your chest didn't fully lift. You whispered, more to yourself than anyone else, "Don't die on me, Satoru."

The Unlimited Void stretched out, enveloping the entire area with its terrifying gravity. The very air felt heavy with power, each shimmering light reflecting the unparalleled control Satoru wielded. Though you knew it was powerful, the sheer force emanating from it was still intimidating. Every so often, distorted echoes of the conflict within reached your ears.

A sudden burst of cursed energy surged from a different part of the building, drawing both your attention. "What the—" Megumi began.

Before he could finish, Yuji's voice broke through the communicator, urgent and breathless. "There's another group! They're attacking from the west side. I'm engaging, but—"

The transmission was suddenly cut off, replaced by a wash of static. Your heart raced. The villains had staged a multi-pronged attack, utilizing the focus on the domain expansion to launch a secondary strike.

Megumi's and your eyes met for a fleeting moment, and there was a silent understanding. "Let's go," he said before the two of you were already sprinting towards the west side of the building. The intensity of the cursed energy was palpable, with each wave feeling more foreboding than the last.

You reached the edge of the building and peered around. The sight that met your eyes was alarming. Yuji, caught in a fierce battle against multiple cursed beings, desperately trying to hold his ground, with another curse ready to take position as soon as one was defeated. You could see how strained he already was.

Without hesitation, Megumi sprang into action, his divine dog bursting forth to engage one of the curses. You followed closely behind. Drawing your katana, you infused it with your cursed energy, its blade shimmering with a dangerous aura. Together, you and Megumi sliced through the chaos, converging on Yuji.

"There are just too many!" Yuji's voice echoed through the chaos as he brought down another curse.

You wasted no time and hurried to his side. The three of you swiftly formed a defensive triangle, ready to confront the relentless onslaught of curses. However, this formation crumbled as another curse lunged forward, ruthlessly splitting your group apart. Its malevolent gaze fixed upon you, quickly narrowing the distance.

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