Chapter 12: Fury and Rage

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"Fuck." That was the first coherent thought that managed to weave its way through your mind as you spotted him from across the room. Even obscured by the mask, Satoru's demeanor screamed anger, an aura you sensed clearly as you passed him in the door frame on your way out of the training room. 

You intended to stroll past him without incident, but his hand encircled your wrist, halting you in your tracks.

"Got a minute?" His voice, laced with an undertone that signaled this wasn't a request but a demand.

He pulled you with him into a classroom, the click of the door locking behind you echoing in the space. Satoru seemed poised to speak, but you anticipated his words, preparing to confront him first. However, in that fleeting moment as you turned to face him, you wondered if the expression on his face might not be anger after all. But it was already too late.

"Cut it out with your jealousy, Satoru," you asserted firmly. "You're being ridiculous if you think I have feelings for Megumi!"

Oh. Now, it was surely anger in his expression—perhaps even fury.

"Ridiculous? So you're denying that you're deliberately teaming up with him?" He didn't raise his voice—he didn't need to. Its low, deliberate timbre sliced through the tension like a knife.

Your heart hammered in your chest, the proximity to his barely restrained anger almost terrifying. But you held your ground, lifting your chin slightly, meeting the invisible gaze that you felt keenly upon you even through the dark glasses he always wore.

"Satoru, you're imagining things," you responded, navigating further into the room.

"So when are you gonna tell him?" he pressed.

"Tell him what? That we fucked?"

He was momentarily taken aback as you continued. "When will you finally talk to the higher-ups?"

"That's not the same."

"It is! You told me you didn't want to have any more regrets."

"Yet it's you who seeks out Fushiguro's closeness, enjoys his touch. I'm not fucking around."

He had some nerve coming at you like that. Talking about regret, wanting to make it official, pledging to stop playing games and causing each other pain, and then having the audacity to blame you? You couldn't help but feel that there was more to the problem, that his anger masked deeper issues, but your fury had temporarily blinded you to the nuances.

"I don't owe you explanations for my actions."

"Oh, I think you do."

Turning, you faced him directly. "Megumi is my friend, Satoru. There will be times when he will touch me, and you can't control that."

Satoru leaned in, the cold barrier of his glasses inches from your face, yet the searing intensity of his concealed gaze was palpably felt. "I think I'll need to make something clear to you then."

Before you could reply, he silenced you with a passionate and urgent kiss, catching you off guard. You yielded to the sensation, eagerly responding to his kiss. Satoru lifted you effortlessly, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you towards a nearby desk in the empty classroom.

A soft gasp escaped your lips, and you held on to him tightly, never breaking the electrifying connection of your lips. You moaned quietly against his mouth, as you felt his already prominent bulge pressed against you.

concern and control | satoru gojo x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt