EPISODE - 1 : Camping

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In a group of friends gang there are 6 peoples. And they were going to Camping through Jeep. The one boy who drives the Jeep was Michael, the one who sit next to the driver seat was Alice they both were Husband & Wife, the one who sit behind the seat was David,Olivia they were best friends, but David has an crush on Olivia. and next one is Ryan,Emily they were Lovers. They all together traveled along in the Jeep for going to Camping.

Suddenly When the Jeep was stopped, Olivia asked Michael "why did you stop the jeep". But Michael said "There were no road, we came to the end of the road, and the jeep can't able to go inside the forest. so we all must walk to get inside the forest". They parked their jeep in the middle of the forest road and they have been walking into the forest. They have been Little confused about the direction. So they stopped walking.

And suddenly when a peacock sound was hearing very close, so all they followed the sound waves, where it was comming from. After walking they all have reached the waterfall. The peacock sound was not able to hear anymore. When they searched for peacock, but there were no peacock around here.

When they saw the waterfall it was very tall & big, and it was looking very beautiful. The nature scenery was looking very awesome. The group of boys decided to get inside the waterfall to take bath, but all the girls have been thinking with hesitation and Michael Saw the girls that they have been standing there away from the water, So he compromise all the girls to take bath in the waterfall. And they have been enjoying the bath in the waterfall.

After bathing they are going to put camp near waterfall. And they searched a place for putting tent near waterfall and after they found the place, they all have been helping each other to make a tent. After completing in setting up the tent. They all have been exhausted due to Long drive and walking. When The sunset begins, Michael begins to put setting up the camp fire to make BBQ. and Alice went to bringing the ingredients from the tent. David and Olivia setting the grill for BBQ. When Alice came out of the tent, Ryan and Emily are getting started to arrange the ingredients in a stick for BBQ. And they all have been grilling the BBQ Pork in the fire. All the people enjoyed eating the tasty BBQ Pork.

After eating they all went to sleep in their separate tent. When Olivia was sleeping, suddenly she heard a noise outside from the tent, so she wake up and taken the torchlight in her hand, she went outside from the tent. Olivia followed the sound where it was comming from, it was a ferocious tiger roaming around the night. When Olivia saw the tiger, she was very afraid and stunned to walk. After the Tiger went out. Olivia forgot her way to the direction to the tent. she was very stumbled.

And Suddenly when the peacock sound was heard, she searched for it and the sound was comming from near to her. When she saw infront of her, The peacock was right there before her and she followed the peacock direction. Suddenly she heard that her friends shouting out her name and calling her name very loudly "Olivia where are you, Are you there"? When she heard their sound she also replied to them "Hey Guys iam here". When she searched for the peacock, it was not there. the peacock was suddenly disappeared from that place. Atlast Olivia saws her friends. And they asked out Olivia that "where did you went? We have searched you for long time? Where are you?" "Then Olivia said that she heard a sound from outside the tent, so she followed the sound she said" and they told her that "why did you went alone? "When you're going out, you should tell me first" and Olivia said "Sure next time I will tell you guys. And Olivia said that "she saw an peacock and it showed her a direction for the way to the tent, so I followed the peacock direction and i have founded you guys".

Everyone was shocked and no one believed after hearing Olivia's Answer. "Everyone asked How is that possible"? "How could a peacock can show you a direction"? And "David replied to their comment that when we lost our ways in morning that the same peacock was helped us to get our direction" and all they thinks and answered "yes It was that same peacock", "But Luckily Olivia hasn't lost her ways and she came back very safely, Thank God". And everyone walk into their tent and went to sleep.

PEACOCK PRINCEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora