Chapter 1: the start

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Quick authors note, this chapter is just me trying to introduce characters rn so if you don't like the first 3 chapters please don't give up on my story I promise it gets better 😊

Today was race day at the Singapore Grand Prix and it was about to be my first time ever watching from the circuit instead of the tv. I'd never gone to an F1 race in person despite the fact my brother was a driver here, because well honestly I don't know. My brother and I aren't exactly the closest, but we always cheer each other on. However It's been hard to have a close relationship when we're both so busy doing our own thing half way across the world. After all I normally reside in Australia since I dive for our national team, and Daniel is basically traveling the whole year. Plus when I happen to leave Australia he tends to go there for his "summer break" and I have the most amount of meets then.

If I'm being honest I wouldn't have even showed up today for this race if it wasn't for Red Bull flying me out since I won their cliff diving series. That's the one thing I hated about Red Bull, they always wanted PR so what better than to fly out one of their athletes to go record videos with other athletes whose sports are entirely different from one an other. Either way, I was here today and I was grateful for it. They'd given me special access passes of course, which didn't do me any good because I could have just asked my brother but oh well, so In the end here I am decked out in Red Bull gear from head to toe to show my support.

When I first walked into the paddock area after scanning my pass I was greeted by someone from the RB team who was supposed take me to the garage where I'd stop by and say a quick hello to everyone, but that wasn't going to happen since I'd gotten here late. I may be grateful  but not enough to lose my sleep over it, if it was before 9 it's too early of a time to get up in my opinion. So instead I was taken to the paddock where I was given a slightly disappointed look from their PR manager and tossed a headset to be able to hear Daniel over the radio.

About after an hour of just sitting in the paddock watching the race finally came to an end with Max winning like always and my brother getting P5 not bad but he could have done better. I stood there patently waiting for all the debriefs and press reports to be over to see Daniel.

When he arrived, he gave me a quick nod and told me he's going to change real quick and then he'll be right back to see me. A few minutes after that convo I realized my brother was not changing quickly enough so I started to wander around, after all I have a phone so he can just call me when he's done. As I was walking around I accidentally stumbled into Max and he decided to strike convo "Hey so you're a Red Bull fan huh?" deciding to have some fun with this, I played along because obviously he hasn't realized who I was yet. "Oh ya big time" "Would you like a picture, I have a minute to spare?" "Wow really god I can't believe this is actually happening" I reached out for my phone but Daniel started calling just then. Answering the phone on speaker, Max put two and two together understanding I wasn't just some random fan.

Still on the phone I briefly told Daniel where I was at and hung up once he said he'd come find me, shifting my mind back onto my conversation with Max.

"Sorry I thought you were some crazy fan, I shouldn't have assumed. Nice to officially meet you Bria, Daniel was talking about your arrival all day." "Its ok really, but please call me Bri. Congrats on the big win by the way" still slightly embarrassed from not recognizing me he responded choosing his words carefully, "Thank you, and Daniel did really well too." Just then as if he heard his name being called from a mile away Daniel popped up out of no where. "Hey guys, Max I see you met my sister" "Ya, hey this reminds me, you guys gonna come to my yacht party tonight?" "Sure thing Max you know I wouldn't miss an excuse for some free booze and fun" "Great can't wait to see you there" With that short exchange being over we headed our separate ways, with Daniel leading me to his car to get out of here and Max to his driver's room.

We almost reached the parking lot when some dude dressed in orange showed up, and based on my knowledge of F1 so far, that meant they were from McLaren. My brother being his usual self had to stop and chat, "Congrats Lando P4 is impressive mate, but don't think you'll manage an over take next time" "Well then guess you should work on your driving skill a bit more old man!" the dude who I know found out was named Lando hollered at us. Making eye contact with me as he asked Daniel who I was to which I replied myself "His sister." He put out a nice friendly smile and said "I can't believe someone like you is related to that thing" pointing towards my brother. Feeling cheeky I decided to answer with a simple "Well I guess we know who got the good genes in this family" We both let out a little laugh except for my brother who was feeling slightly upset when some dude yelled at Lando saying he needed to talk to him. Lando said a quick goodbye giving my brother a  pat on the back to try and make amends and left, so we finally continued our way to his car.

Once in the car I officially congratulated my brother for his race realizing I hadn't done so yet, and abruptly asked about Max's party to which he let out a sigh and said "We're in the same hotel right?" "Pretty sure" "I'll stop by your room at like 8:30, be ready by then and we can head out to the marina" "Sounds good" then I flicked on the radio and we both started to sing to whatever song came on lightning up the mood, and dancing at the little bits of time during red lights like we did as children when we were learning to drive.

When we managed to get to the hotel, the street was covered in paparazzi. Trying to ignore them we ran into the hotel and went to our separate rooms. I found out his room was on the floor above me, so I'd know where to find him just in case I needed something. Looking at the time I had three hours till 8:30 so I'd better start figuring out what to ware. Only what does one wear when going to a yacht party hosted by Max?

More author's notes :
Hey guys, I hoped you liked it I tried to make it a good length so it wasn't too short or too long but ltmk what y'all think I'd love some feedback and sorry if paragraphs are really lengthy I'm typing it out on my lap top so idk what it looks like when you read it off a phone. <3

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