"I'm going now to eat lunch." I said and Shiro grabbed my arm. 

"Why don't you eat with us?" He offered and Adam nodded. 

I feel kind of shy around couples...However, Lance hasn't texted me yet so maybe I can crash with these two. They look like two responsible adults anyway. "Are you guys sure it's okay?" I asked and they both nodded. "Adam knows a great restaurant near the university." Shiro said, clinging to Adam. "It's just a mini-restaurant, but the food is satisfying." Adam added and I smiled. This feels like I have two parents since they're equally so tall and I'm like their brooding teenager son. Their flirting adds to the whole family scape. 

As soon as we got to the restaurant, it felt like a breath of fresh air. The windows were as large as the walls with hanging plants as decor. The sunlight seeps in and illuminates the whole place, as if a scenery straight from a book. The waiter leads us to a table near the window and we sat down. "I always feel at home at this place. I still am grateful you recommended this place." He says, and embraces his boyfriend. I took the menu and hid my secondhand embarrassment. 

"Ehem, how about you Keith, are you feeling nice?" Adam asked. 

"It has great ambiance. I like it." I told them and they smiled. 

We ordered pretty much a few things since we have to go back to university soon, but I never expected them to start making me open up about my life. "So where do you live, Keith? Are you commuting?" Shiro asked and I nodded. "Kind of. I ride my motorcycle on the way to school." I said, while eating. "Shiro rode a motorcycle before but stopped when he got into an accident." Adam chuckled and Shiro got shy. "I find it now that cars are far better suited for me." He said to redeem himself. 

"Keith, do you have someone you like?" Adam started. Shiro glanced at me to make sure I was okay. 

"I don't know." I abruptly answered. 

Shiro gulped down what he was biting and got all awkward. "Sorry Keith, I may have told Adam about your current situation." He said and I glared at him. "Don't get mad at Shiro. To be honest, I was jealous of you at first since Shiro talks a lot about you. But hearing about your situation, it made me think that Shiro was thinking of you as a brother and not geared towards the romantic kind." Adam said and I almost choked. "There is no way for you to think that, he looks like my father, more or less." I said and Shiro looked offended.

"However, you can't really stop a person from being jealous of anyone their lover is interacting with." Adam says and I couldn't help but agree. 

Adam put his utensils down gently and looked me straight in the eye. "I also think that jealousy is an inevitable trait, even if the person you love isn't yours to keep." He added and that's where I knew where it's headed. "In the past, Shiro was in the same situation as you. Always there for another person, but treated less important and useful only when needed. Then, he met me. Not to brag or anything, but at least he's now back on track and loving himself ten times more than in the past." He says, holding Shiro's hand. 

He then looks at me again. "What I'm trying to say is that you have to move on." he said and I slammed my fists on the table. "It's easy to say it than doing it. Believe me, I've told myself more than a hundred times over but look where it got me. I said than for ten years--ten years and I haven't moved on. If there's a pill to make me forget about my feelings, I'd gladly drink it all." I said and stayed still. Adam stood up from his place and hugged me. 

"It's alright, there's no need to rush." He said and I actually hugged him back. 

"Aw, let me join in." Shiro said, also joining the hug. 

I've never felt like this before, even at home. When my dad compliments me or appreciates me, I quickly get rid of it and ignore it. Maybe, this is what I'm needing all along. I was so in the moment that I forgot I needed to get back to class. I quickly pulled myself back from the hug and finished my food. We talked about other things like classes, my jobs, my dad, and everything else. It made me feel good to forget about Lance in a while. 

"Here's my share." I said, handing them money. 

"No, I'll pay. Don't worry about it." Adam said, bringing out a credit card. 

I shook my head and insisted. "I don't like being in debt." I said. "It's not a debt, it's on me." He said, giving me back my money. I never like other people doing something for me. However, Adam seems sincere and I didn't want to step on his act of kindness for a moment. Maybe it was okay for me to let people do something for me.

"I hope to meet you again Keith. And then maybe, you'll take my advices straight to heart." Adam said and winked at me.

I chuckled and nodded at him. "See you guys at the university." I told them and we parted ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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