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Our project deadline is nearing, so I had to take a day off from my work and do double time with Shiro to finish our project. We decided to work at a cafe near the university. I was a little early so I decided to work on what I can before Shiro comes. He mentioned he has a date with his boyfriend first so he's going to catch up. It's fine anyway, I usually do 90% of the work on group projects. 

"Keith, are you alone?" I looked up and saw Lance. My heart skipped a beat, then I saw Allura. Forget about that heart skip I guess. 

"No, I'm waiting for someone. Philosophy project." I said and Lance's eyes lit up. 

He stook a chair and went to my table to sit down. "Us too! Allura and I paired up for this but we're struggling for one part." He said and showed me a draft of their project. It's so...poorly written. I glanced at Allura and she seems to be shy about sitting down. "Are you going to just stand there? Help yourself." I told her and she immediately went to get a chair. "I'm so sorry, it's just you look quite intimidating. I meant no disrespect!" She said, trying to save herself. Girls, they're all the same. "It's fine. It's just that this guy doesn't have much delicacy to consider he's invading personal space." I said and Lance punched me lightly on the arm. "Shut up, man!" He exclaimed and I chuckled. 

Suddenly, the cafe door flung open and it was Shiro. He waved and smiled at me and helped himself to the table. "Sorry I was late! Oh, is this a group project for another class? Did I get the dates wrong?" He asked and I shook my head. "Looks like they're also here to talk about their Philosophy project. So, we decided to share a table." I told him and he sat down, exhausted. "Now that I'm here Keith, you can relax and I'll do the work." He said, wiping off the sweat from his brows. "You look really tired, help yourself. I bought this drink but I'm kind of full. you can have it." I offered Shiro my unfinished drink. Lance stared and then he snapped out of it. 

"I thought you don't like sharing?" He asked.

"I'm not sharing, I just gave it to him because I'm full." I said. 

He then glances away. "It's still the same." He mutters. "Ah, let's just get this over with, I guess." Shiro says, putting the drink down and focusing on our project. It's a long time, but no one was really talking. It was just me and Shiro collaborating, while Allura and Lance were on their own. Was I mistaken that there was something going between them? Shiro suddenly stood up and grabbed his wallet. 

"I'm feeling a little hungry. Want anything you guys?" He asked. 

"Oh, I want something from this cafe but I don't know the name. I'll go with you to buy!" Allura said, also standing up. 

I noticed Lance being a little distant so I decided to pop the question. "Hey, you seem quiet. Are you okay?" I asked him and he glared at me. "Besides the fact that you shared something with another guy? Yep, I'm okay." He said and I was aghast. "I did not share, I gave him my drink. There's a difference." I told him. "Why didn't you offer me your drink if you're so full." He's like a kid. "I just assumed you didn't want it." I said and he scoffed. "Some other stranger getting your drink is better than me, I guess?" He said and I got mad. "Why is this such a big deal to you?" I asked and he didn't answer. Finally, Allura and Shiro got back and they sensed the tension at the table. 

"Uh, are you guys good? We bought you food." Shiro said. 

Lance glared at Shiro and he stood up. He grabbed his laptop and bag. "We're going. Let's go Allura." He said and I got confused. "Lance, wait!" Allura called out to him, but he didn't look back. Allura gathered her things and apologized to us while chasing Lance out of the cafe. Shiro sat down and I continued working on our project.

"I get it." Shiro said. 

"Get what?" I asked him. 

Shiro leaned towards me and seeming like he sensed something, he chuckled. He pointed to his head, gesturing he's got it all figured out. "Never take a gay man for a fool. I completely sense something between you and that guy." He said and I shook my head. "Besides him annoying me, what else would you guess?" I said, continuing to type. "That you're concerned about what he thinks of you so you ignore it as a coping mechanism." He said. My heart ached and I glared at Shiro. "That was a wild guess, but wow. I guess I really got it all figured out." He said, taking a bite of his croissant. 

"I never expected you of all people to read my feelings this way." I told him. 

"Well, I was like you once, so I know how it feels." He told me. 

My phone chimes and I grab it to see who messaged me. It was Lance. I opened it to read the word sorry pop on my screen. Just one word was enough for me to be soft and be there for him again. I hate how much I'm this way. "Are you going after him?" Shiro asked and I nodded. "Why?" He asked me. 

"Because that's just the way I am." I told him, packing my stuff. "Let's finish this individually at home." I told him and he showed me a faint smile. "Be careful, Keith. You're gonna get burned out one day, just like I did." He said. Instead of encouragement, he gave me words of warning. "I know." I said, leaving the cafe. 

It's just like he said, I will burn out one day, so at least, let me burn for him once more. Even just a little bit.

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