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On my way to school, I make it a thing to pass by the bakery my dad's friend owns. He gives me a free club sandwich to eat on my way. But I can't really eat it while riding the motorcycle so I save it for lunch. 

Lance and I used to stop by the bakery all the way back from middle school. We would pick out designs that we liked and add them to our chocolate bread. It was the good old days. Now, I doubt Lance even goes to a bakery, much less eats bread. 

I picked up my free club sandwich and went on my way to the university. As soon as I got off from my motorcycle, I was greeted by Lance. He seems more cheery now than the last time we met at the cafe. I apologized to him for making him feel left out and he accepted. Although, I don't really know what I was apologizing for. 

"Keith, you got time today?" He asked me. 

"Why?" I briefly asked him as well. 

Lance shrugged and held my hand. "I was thinking we could go on a date, you and I." He said shyly. "What's this about?" I said, retracting my hand and grabbing my things. "It's been a long time since we got together, don't you think?" He said, catching up to me. "If you say 'you and I', are you sure there's not a girl tagging along?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Allura's busy so you can count on it this time." He said and I looked at him straight in the eyes. I'm once again, this guy's backup plan. "If Allura's busy, I'm your option number two. Right?" I told him and he rolled his eyes. 

"You're so stingy, it's hard to talk to you at times. Why don't you accept?" He said, acting like it's my fault. 

"Leave me alone, I have to go to class." I told him. 

Lance held my hand again and pulled me to him. Out of embarrassment, I panicked. "What the hell?" I exclaimed. "You're hanging out more with Shiro than me. What's up with you?" He said. "Well, what's up with you!" I returned the question to him and pushed him off. I glared at him then walked away. "Fine, go away! Run away from your problems for all I care." He said and turned his back from me, going on his separate way. Maybe it's better this way than feeling like the second option all the time.

This scene has happened multiple times in the past. A few minutes later, Lance will cave in and text me saying he's sorry and I ultimately have to forgive him. However this time, I was left wondering what he's up to because he never sent me a text. He's ignoring me and now I'm the one thinking if I should go apologize or not. I walked out in the middle of class and excused myself to the restroom. But God knows I'm going elsewhere but the restroom. 

Lance's class must be over right now, so let me see what he's up to. 

Imagine my horror and guilt as I saw him and Allura flirting in the cafeteria. Ah, he's not going to apologize this time because he has someone to set his sights on. In the light of sudden  frustration and tears coming out of my eyes, I turn away and did not look back. Maybe this time, I have to stop whatever feelings I have for Lance. Maybe I could do it now. 

I walk back to the classroom and Shiro notices so he switched seats to sit next to me. "Are you unwell?" He asks me and I shook my head as I slump down. "I'm just going to sleep." I told him and he pat my head. "Don't worry, I'll cover your notes." He said and it made me relieved that someone was willing to cover for the stingy, aloof me.

Class was over when I woke up and Shiro was talking with someone. I open my eyes and the guy who had tan skin and glasses poked Shiro to notify me I was awake. "Keith, are you good?" He asked and I nodded. "Uh, sorry to interrupt." I said, fixing my hair and my face. "It's fine, Shiro told me you two were partners for the Philosophy project. I'm Adam, Shiro's partner." He introduced himself with a bright smile. "Babe, when you say partner, it makes me feel giddy." Shiro said, bashfully flirting with his guy. I got to get out of here. 

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