
When she passed out I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally some quiet. I could work faster and more efficiently without her verbal interference.
I had to work quickly. The cops' radios were already going off. It was a matter of time before they got worried. In a scenario like this I would impersonate them but it was ladies. Fucking women.
They ruined everything.
They were never content with anything and just made everything worse.
If it wasn't for their beauty and vagina I would hate them more.
I sighed waking over to the first body. I tugged on a pair of gloves and pulled out the butcher knife from his chest. Blood rushed out the moment I pulled it out. I was surprised. He had lost so much blood I didn't think he'd have any more inside.
Always start with the head.
Wise words came to my mind.
With one hard, swift movement across his neck, the head fell of neatly along with the crunch of bones. I smiled proudly. Damn. I still had it.
I picked up the blood dripping head and stared at it. The eyes were still open but the glint of life was gone. Perfect.
I stuffed into the bag and began on the torso. I had to cut from the navel so that it would be in half then go on to cut off the arms and legs. A thought came to my mind.
He tried to rape my girl. That part of him needed cut too. I couldn't rest in peace if I didn't cut it off.
It took me a little longer than I thought it would to get all six pieces cut. I was getting rusty. I needed to do this more often to stay fresh.
I went to the kitchen and found a sandwich bag. I dropped the organ into it and closed it tight. I felt better already. I dropped the bag into the pocket of my raincoat.
When I was done with all three of them I had four bags. I needed an extra one to stuff the soiled clothes and Essence's rug. I set all the bags neatly beside the door, inches away from Essence's still passed out body. I felt disgusting. I needed a shower.
I found her shower where I did a quick rinse off. When I got out I took out the sandwich bag from my raincoat. Pulled on my sweatshirt and jeans I had been wearing all along and stuffed the bag into my pocket. I grabbed the raincoat and went to to go out but when I passed the mirror I stopped and stared at myself. 
I saw my father looking back at me. I hated how much we resembled. I walked away feeling eyes boring into the back of my head. His judgmental eyes.

I slammed the trunk of my car shut. I had gotten all the bags out in one trip. Now all that was left was Essence.
I knew she was either going to be collateral damage or get in my way and get me caught but the feelings I had for her were beyond my common sense.  Plus I had no choice either way. She saw what I did. I either had to kill her or bring her with me. I trusted no one. I saw the hate in her eyes. She would hand me over on a silver platter the moment she was given the opportunity. I was not going back to prison.
I went back into her apartment and tried to shake her awake. 
She was still passed out cold.
Maybe it was for the better.
Out of my jeans I brought out my lighter and flicked it on, staring at the beautiful orange glow. It turned me on. I walked up to one of the cupboards in the kitchen and found a bottle of vodka I had seen earlier. I opened it, took a swig then threw it on the floor. It shattered into a million pieces. Like my heart was. 
I laughed at my corniness flicking the lighter open again. I held it against the roll of paper towel on the counter and watched it become engulfed in flames. With a swipe of my hand I threw it to the floor. I pocketed my lighter and began turning on the stove switches. When all six were on I hurried over to Essence and picked her up. She was so light it made me laugh.
I could definitely overpower her if she tried to play hero. Not that I had any doubts. I carried her out to my car and placed her in the passenger seat. I put her seatbelt on then gently laid her head forward so that it was resting on the dash.
"Pretty girl," i murmured brushing away a strand of hair from her face. I wanted to kiss her. Make love to her passionately but now was not the time. Later.

I drove down the familiar rode. Growing up my family and I use to come here every single Sunday for little picnics and hanging out.  It was the only time I wasn't getting beaten. My parents always dressed us up and took us to church. It was the only day he didn't drink. The only day we were somewhat a normal family.
The river had always scared me though. I stayed far from it.
Tonight however I needed to get close to it.
I pulled up to the shoulder of the road and got out. Going to the trunk I took out two bags. I knew my way so I didn't bother with the flashlight I had placed in my pocket last minute.
I made sure Essence was still knocked out before I started down the hill. It was a bit steep, especially with the mud but somehow I managed to get down to the bank of the river without falling.
I tore open a small hole in each bag and pushed it underneath the water until it was mostly full and heavy. I then dragged both a little ways towards the deeper end and drowned them. 
I took out my flashlight and fucked it on. The darkness didn't bother me. I barely registered that I couldn't Even see much as I had made my way through the woods. It was only because I knew this place so well. As I climbed up the hill and came towards the car I saw Essence was moving around. She had a hand to her head.
Note to self. Get her an acetaminophen asap.
I passed her window not making eye contact and went to grab the last bag. A part of it caught on some tools in the trunk and ripped.
"Fuck," i mumbled. Well at least I wouldn't have to make a hole. I turned off my flashlight and threw it into the trunk. I really didn't even need it the first time. I slammed the trunk shut.
I went back to the river and was about to dunk it when I saw a hand hanging out. It belonged to the black officer. There was a beautiful emerald ring on her finger. Shiny jewels always made me smile. When I was younger I had thought maybe I'd grow up to become a jeweler. But then I became this instead.
I slipped the ring off the finger and stuffed it in the front of my jeans pocket. As I pushed the bag in a sound made me stop. I paused and cocked my head. It sounded like.... running.
I rolled my eyes as I continued with my job until the bag was completely underwater. It only took about thirty seconds.  I was calm and collected going up the hill. I knew she couldn't get far. Not with her injuries. Not with my car.
As I got to the top of the hill i saw her running. The wrong direction. The road she was taking lead to an ice cream shop that had shut down years ago. It was abandoned. Maybe a few druggies lived there but what could they do. No one ever believes the druggies.
I laughed to myself as I got into my car and started it. I barely pressed down on the gas.
This cat and mouse game amused me. 
I was going ten miles an hour. I could see her steps faltering as she turned back to look at me.
She was yelling something. I rolled my window down just in time to hear the word "Monster."
Was she serious.
I let my foot weigh down on the pedal until I was going thirty miles.
She screamed again and ran into the woods. I had almost ran into her.
"Fuck." I stomped on the brakes, shifted the gears to P and got out of the car.
She really wanted to play? At this time of night?
Okay then, Essence. Let's play.

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