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Adam hurried to the window and ripped the curtains shut. He then brought out a gun from the back of his pants and pointed it towards the door.
"What are you doing?" I demanded. "you're going to kill a cop?"
"Essence, be quiet and let me think."
"This isn't right. None of this is. You should go."
"And what are you going to do?" He glared at me. "How are you going to explain that mess on the fl-"
There was a loud bang on the door. "Mecosta County Sheriff."
He nodded at me. "Can you get up? I need you to talk to him. They can't see me."
"Why not?"
"Stop fucking around, Essence. And go to the fucking door."
What had I gotten myself into? With all the strength I had, I pulled myself up to a standing position and hobbled towards the door. My legs felt as if a thousand needles were being pricked into them. They had fallen asleep on me.
"Turn the lights off," Adam instructed standing against the wall beside the door.
I did as he said, turning on the porch light instead, then opened the door.
There were two cops. Both female. I quickly read their name tag. The black woman was White and the white one was Brown. Ironic.
"Hi," i said cheerily. "may I help you?"
"Yeah, we got a call about a noise complaint, " Officer White said.
" Oh, that was just me and my boyfriend, " I laughed.
" My boyfriend and I, " Officer Brown said.
It took me a second to realize that she was correction me.
Officer White rolled her eyes. " Now is not the time, Rookie."
" Anyway," I said." My boyfriend and I were just goofing around. We're perfectly fine."
" Can I come in. It's part of our job of making sure everything is alright. Not that I don't believe you but you understand."
" Ummm, " I hesitated.
" It'll only be a moment then you and your boyfriend can get back to your... Erm goof off."
I stepped back as Officer White took a step forward.
" Do you have a warrant? " I blurted out.
" Why would I need a warrant if everything is okay as you say? " She frowned and i frowned back. What should I say?
She walked in brushing shoulders with me. Officer White shook her head as she followed her inside.
" Where do I find a light switch?" Officer White asked.
I heard what sounded like the second gunshot tonight. Then another one. The thud of bodies hitting the floor followed tout de suite.
I gasped slamming the door shut and switching the light on. My heart was beating out of my chest as I turned and saw the two officers on the floor, blood running from under their heads.
I looked at Adam who was tucking his gun away calmly.
"Adam," i whispered looking back at them.
Then everything went black.

I groaned from pain as conscious came back to me. Before my eyes were even open I knew I was in a car.
I felt nauseous again and swallowed down a load of bile. I grimaced at the taste and gagged slightly. My eyes fluttered open. was sitting in the passenger seat staring at the road. It was pitch black out except for where the headlights shown. How long had I been out for?
I pressed a palm to the side of my head where it was pounding the hardest. Fuck. Tonight definitely did a number on me.
A loud splash made me whip my head in all directions to see where it had come from. There was only black.
Several minutes later I saw the beam of a flashlight coming out of the woods followed by a hoodied figure carrying it.
It was Adam. He had switched out of his raincoat and was now wearing a red hoodie with the words 'Rick and Morty' and dark jeans.
He walked up to the car but went to the trunk. I heard the sound of rustling bags and realized what he was doing.
"Im almost done," he said.
I didn't answer. What was I supposed to say.
Okay, honey after you're done throwing the dead bodies in the river let's go get some McDonald's?
The car shook when he slammed the trunk shut. I turned away when he passed by my window. When I heard his footsteps getting quieter and quieter I looked up. I wish I hadn't.
A part of the bag had ripped and hand was hanging out of it. The glint of a ring sparkled from one of the fingers.
He killed someone who had a fucking husband. Children probably. Monster. I had to get out of here. Who knew what he was capable of. What if I was next?
Fuck if I was going to be next. I am a survivor.
I yanked out the seatbelt from its slot and opened the door. This was easier than I thought. 
I didn't dare close the door, instead I left it open as I began to run down the road. My legs were wide awake now.
The sound of the water splashing made me quicken my pace. I ran as fast as I could. My mind was spiraling. I was freaking out. I couldn't run forever and he had a car that was a hundred times faster than me.
I was a witness. He was not going to take any chances with me. He was going to kill me in cold blood just like he did all the the others.
It was getting darker and darker the farther I ran from the car. My heart rate picked up. I was out of breath and my head was thudding.
I heard the sound of the car starting. I turned back to see it coming at full speed towards me. 
"Leave me alone, you monster," i shrieked panicking. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Where the fuck was I supposed to go.
God, help me.

Yesterday (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang