
My blood was boiling. I did not like this. Not at all. Even though she said she was okay,  I had sent her several more messages that she had not answered. 

I had an uneasy feeling in my chest. One that I knew I could not ignore. Because every time I did, something bad would happen without fail. 

Essence needed me and I was going to take care of her. 

I didn't usually do this. In fact I promised to stop after what happened last time, but this was an emergency. 

I hurried to my computer and entered Reverse Email lookup into the search bar. In a matter of seconds my screen was filled with different websites that would give me what I needed. I found the one I trusted the most and began my search. 

As I got to work all I could think of was choking whoever that fucker was who thought he could make my girl feel unsafe. 

I paused for a second. 'My girl?' I was doing it again. Getting obsessed. My mother warned me to slow down when it came to women. All I ever did was hurt them when I got too close or found myself falling for them. 

I shook my head. No, this is different. But was it?

I was having an internal fight with myself. 

She needed help. That was all that mattered right now. I could analyze my feelings for her later after I knew that she was okay. 

I finished entering all of the information that the website required and paid the convenience fee. 

In a matter of minutes I had everything that I needed and more. It looked like she lived about three miles away in some sleazy looking apartment complex. I jotted down the address on a piece of note paper. I included her phone number that was provided just in case. I stuffed the paper into my pocket and  got up. I shrugged into my raincoat and slipped on my rainboots. Then hurried out the door to my car being careful not to slip on the muddy ground.  

When I got my hand on this guy. He was going to be absolutely fucked. If he so much gave her a scratch, I would rip the hairs out of his fucking head. I jerked my car door open and got in. 

I started the car and sped out of the driveway, accidentally knocking my neighbor's trash can over. 

"Well who the fuck told you to leave it that close to the curb, fucker?"

It was raining. The rain was coming down in jet streams, which made it incredibly hard to see out the window. I clicked on the window wipers, now annoyed at the rain. 

Of all the times.  

We had been in a drought for several weeks, so this was good, but of all the times it could have raining this hard. 

Right as soon as she disappeared out of my line of vision, I got into my own car and went home without a second thought that maybe letting her leave on her own might not have been the smartest idea that I had ever had in my life. 

I shook my head turning my anger towards myself. I should have never let her go home on her own. I knew it was going to rain, I knew it was unsafe for young girls to walk alone close to this time, yet I just let her go.

I punched my steering wheel. "Fuck me." The action made me swerve, almost smashing into an incoming car who honked their horn. 

"Fuck you."

Not that they could have heard me. 

I glanced at my mileage. I was going to damn slow. I stepped down on the gas harder. I was now going seventy at a thirty. 

It was quiet for the longest of time. Just the sound of the rain and my car engine. Then I heard them. 


Red and blue blaring lights filled my whole car. I looked up at the rearview mirror to see a squad car following behind. 

I didn't have time for this bullshit. While I was usually an upstanding citizen. I was going to have to break a couple of laws tonight. 

I knew of several shortcuts through the Meth part of town that the police were very uncomfortable going through. 

I ignored the upcoming red light and went right through it just as a plow truck was coming through. I swerved to the left barely missing it. 

My adrenaline was rushing by now. I looked at my side mirrors to see the cop and other driver had not been so lucky. 

The cop's car was flipped over and the plow truck was on its side. Damn.

Sorry, guys. 

Ten minutes later I arrived at the complex. Apartment 24. It was one of the first ones. The lights were on but I couldn't see anyone from where I was. 

I parked my car and turned it off. I then leaned over popping open my glove box. My gift to myself was really coming in handy. I got out my .45 and the silencer that went with it. 

It was already loaded because I stay ready. Three bullets was two more than enough. I screwed on the silencer and clicked the safety off. 

Gripping it tightly I exited out of my car and slammed the door shut. 

The rain had calmed down and was more of a mist but still a nuisance. By the time I crept up to the door, I was already wet. I crouched by the window and raised myself inch by inch until I could look in. She was lying on the floor. The fucker was on top of her.

They were fucking kissing?

Anger shot through my every nerves. What the actual fuck? I almost walked away but then I saw she attempted to struggle out of his grip and he slapped her across the face. 

That angered me even more. I saw nothing else except red. 

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