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author's note: shout-out to @samseanandrews39 who made me realize maybe this book is worth investing some time in. 

Halfway through there aren't quotation marks but they're still talking 😂


I met her her exactly five years ago. In a small cafe shop called Biggby Coffee in the little town of Big Rapids, Michigan.

I had moved to Michigan from my childhood home of Austin, Texas to attend college at Ferris State University following my fathers dream to become a lawyer.

She was sitting in the farthest corner away from everyone else (a loner, I thought) sipping on her drink and engrossed in something on her laptop.

Her short, black hair rose away from her head in a tiny afro. I had dated a few black girls back in Oregon, but they were nothing like this girl. This girl was completely natural. No makeup, jewelry, no fake hair, no plastic surgery as far as I could tell. Yet, she looked absolutely gorgeous. There was a glow to her face that made her radiate. She reminded me somewhat of my late mother. Mom immigrated to the United States from Trinidad. Her family had never had the luxury of more cash than they could handle, so beauty products were never an option for her, yet because of who she was, she always looked  beautiful and flawless.

The girl laughed at her laptop and shook her head as she took another sip from her drink.

I wanted to meet her.

I needed to meet her.

She was a magnet. I, the metal.

I finished my espresso drink and took a deep breath.

Here went nothing.

I mustered up my courage, stood up from my chair, and walked over to her table. I grabbed the spare chair and plopped myself down into it.

She looked up at me, raising one eyebrow.
" Can I help you with something?" It wasn't with a rude tone, just curious. There was a hint of a European accent that I found extremely sexy. Instantly I wondered where she came from.

"You remind me of someone, " I said. I knew I was being creepy. Intruding like this, but I could not help myself.

"Oh," she said.

" Someone very special to me."

"Oh", she said again.

I studied her her eyes. They were not the black color that I had originally thought. Instead at close proximity, I noticed that they were actually a very dark brown. There was a certain sparkle to them. A sparkle that came from the depths of her soul.

All was well with her soul.

I could tell when someone was spiritually troubled. It would be in their eyes, but it was not the case with this girl.

"Hello?" the girl said waving her hand in front of me a little, averting my attention from her eyes to her whole face.

"I wanted to introduce myself,"  I said as reminded myself not to stare at her like a sex-craved maniac.

I could not quite place her age. That was a talent I did not have. She looked young though. Very young.

"Okay?" There was a small, amused smile on her lips.

"Adam O'Connors." I introduced myself with the confidence my mother taught me.

She squirmed nervously barely making eye contact. "I hope you understand how weird this kind of is, you know what I mean?" she said."  You are a complete stranger who just randomly decided to come up to me and introduce yourself? Unless it was not random. Are you like a murderer or something?"she asked with a teasing tone in her voice.

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