Chapter 247

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//TN: Happy holidays, everyone!

Day 1 of being stranded on a deserted island.


Outside the villa, the wild storm was still raging on.

'I'm glad the guy who built this had a strong sense for safety.'

At least the villa remained intact, which was fortunate.

Stifling a sigh, I lay down on the living room floor.

Next to me, Cha Eugene did the same.

[I like to think about it this way. The outside world has been devastated by a zombie apocalypse! That's why we're staying in this comfortable shelter among ourselves.]

"Yeah. That's extremely comforting."


Don't laugh, you rascal.

I forced out a laughter, but my mind was still somewhat troubled.

'What about the filming?'

If we lose several days of footage like this, we would really be screwed...

[Hyung, we can't film now anyway. Just relax~ and enjoy the time here.]


[There's no need to worry about something beyond our control.]

...He stated it very straightforwardly.

I remained silent for a moment, then looked outside at the pouring rain and accepted it.

'Well, what can I even do about the weather?'

After all, it was an improvised production, and messing up one show won't be a big deal. I just need to do well in the next one.

"Yeah. You're right."


I lay in the living room, gazing at the rain outside, passing the time not thinking about anything until mealtime.

And during lunchtime.

With all seven of us eating the same preserved food, it really felt like we were in some kind of disaster movie.

"Hmm, should we go check the barn and see if there are any eggs?"

"Sejin-ah, you'll get blown away."

"All right."

After eating the lackluster meal twice, time seemed to drag on.

Moreover, the already slow smartphone data service started to stutter even more.

'It really feels like we're isolated...'

Thanks to this situation, there was truly nothing to do.

Being exempt from cleanup after being in charge of today's meal preparations, I sat in the living room, which offered the best view of the weather, lost in thought.

We had run out of board games to play, and we couldn't go out to obtain any supplies...

Zzzt. Clack.


It was at that moment...

All of a sudden, everything went pitch black.


"Is everyone okay??"

It was a power outage.

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now