Chapter 244 (official illustration)

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A translucent pop-up appeared with fireworks.

[Successful Encounter!]

You have successfully met with '400,000' audience members!

! Time Limit: Met (Success)

! Status Abnormality: 'Have Audience Spectators or Die' Removed!

With just one free online concert, the status abnormality that required achieving an audience of 400,000 was removed.

It was warranted.

After VTIC's appearance, the vote count had nearly reached 300,000.

And I personally saw the count go up on the display board. It was like seeing the live audience's reaction.

'I knew this would be acknowledged.'

Moreover, this platform allowed viewing videos without needing to sign up. Those who just wanted to pass the time might have watched without signing up.

With so many of VTIC's international fans not signed up for the platform, the actual viewing numbers must have been... massive.

Reaching 300,000 viewers, who would actively participate in a live performance, would have been difficult to do with TeStar alone.


In other words, the general plan of bringing VTIC into this worked well enough.

Although the results were a little different from my predictions.

: 'Check the Truth' Click!

The coin option has disappeared.

'I thought it would be set as a default now.'

This meant that the coin option from last time was an anomaly.

'...Did it perhaps predict the accident and give it to me?'

A strange thought crossed my mind.

To be precise, the system had identified the risk that the former manager might commit a foolish act and safeguarded against it.

'I think I might be right about this considering that the same 'audience spectator' status abnormality was brought up again, just with different numbers.'

Since the standard outcome should have been 'Check the Truth,' the emergence of a coin suggests that it deliberately repeated the same status abnormality to get things back in order.

I recalled the strange behaviour of the status window where all sorts of status abnormalities had appeared and disappeared while glitching.

'Obviously, some kind of error occurred.'

If I were to interpret this... The status window had somehow deviated from its path to ensure I received the coin even if it resulted in an error.

'But why?'

Up to this point, I had never found any signs of emotion or intelligence in this system.

However, starting from the manipulation of the gacha draw probabilities, what was the larger context that could be interpreted in this favour?


I quickly thought about it and came to a conclusion.

'Does it want me to clear the status abnormalities?'

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now