"Dance with me!" Evie exclaims, grabbing Harvey by the arm and pulling him through the crowd.

So naturally the two find themselves lost in the music, twirling and swaying in perfect rhythm as if nobody else in the world besides them even existed. They dance their hearts out, cutting expectant glances toward Theo and me upon every spin they make. Challenging us to join.

A spark of excitement has my heart racing, accompanied by an enticing rush of thrill in my veins. One begging me to make the moment a lasting memory. I want my time here in London to be full of unforgettable moments.

I look up to Theo beside me, who's biting back a smile as he watches Evie and Harvey dance. He shakes his head in disapproval, but I notice the hint of admiration in his eyes. Like he'd join right in if he would just let himself.

Acting on impulse, I pivot on my heel and start to move my body to the music, crooking a finger for him to join me.

"Absolutely fucking not," he chuckles, though there's a light in his eyes as he watches my hips move.

"Oh, come on," I whine.

"You're mental."

"Please, Teddy," I pout. I take a step backward toward my two friends, increasing the speed of my movements as the tempo and music begin to crescendo. "You owe me, you know?"

"Like hell I do!"

"You do!" I holler over the band. "Have you forgotten about 'The Star Flyer', buddy?"

"You're not playing fair at all right now."

"I think I'm playing very fair," I retort with a saccharine smile. "You owe me."

"You fucking loved that ride, don't even."

"Are you implying that you won't love dancing with me, Teddy?" I challenge. "That's rude."

He gives me a blank stare like he can't believe I'm pulling this shit right now.

"Fine," I pout some more. He'll cave, I just know it. "Then don't dance with me."

He sighs. "Dammit, Nora."

Theo grabs me by the hand and pulls me with him beside Evie and Harvey. I'm giggling with delight as he yanks me in and draws my body close. He's as stiff as a board as he starts moving along to the music, but I appreciate his effort nonetheless.

"You're despicable," he grumbles.

I lace my arms around his tense shoulders and enjoy the feel of his hands against my waist as we rock and sway to the lively melody. I pull myself up on the tips of my toes, draw his ear to my lips, and whisper, "Stop being so shy."

"Everyone's staring."

"Where's that'Fuck what they think' attitude tonight, huh?" He lets out a snort at that but remains timid. I force him to look me in the eye and say, "We're just having fun. Pretend it's just us."

Theo's gaze skims my face considerately, and he finally grants me that boyish grin of his that he was hiding.

"Just us," he hushes back.

The taut muscles of his shoulders go lax beneath my hands. Then he releases a breath and swings me around as if what I said was the only reminder he needed to let himself enjoy the moment. So easily we become carried away by the music, letting it guide the movement of our bodies as we move as one underneath the starry night sky. The chill night wind blows the hoodie right off of the top of my head as he twirls me around, setting my unruly, brown hair free again. It whips behind me as he spins us, round and round, until I'm too dizzy to stand straight anymore.

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