21 | rule 14

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  C  H  A  P  T  E  R     T  W  E  N  T  Y  -  O  N  E  

My hand firmly hovered over my pocket as I glanced around the snow-covered land. With the punishing sun still strewn overhead, I took a step forward to try and get a better look at the den. However, despite my attempts to locate the home base, I was unsuccessful.

Had Rowan brought me out to a desolate mountain to abandon me to the wolves—quite literally?

Anger bubbled in the pit of my stomach, and I nibbled on my lips to keep from saying something I would regret. I felt I had been very open-minded, allowing Rowan to show me the werewolf way of life, but, in return, it felt like he was being closed-minded in his attempt to reach this end goal.

Taking a deep breath, I shook my head and continued to scope out the mountain. The nearby mountain was so tall, the peak hiding behind a steady stream of fog. While the mountain was tall, it was also vast in width, seemingly never-ending.

I gulped at the thought of scaling the mountain. I hoped we would not need to climb the treacherous snow-covered terrain in order to reach the den. Just the thought sent a chill down my spine, adding to the countless goosebumps covering my exposed skin.

This had to be a joke, I tried to soothe myself. There was not even so much as an outhouse in sight—no dry, warm place to rest my head. At least, while in the circus, I had been provided as much.

"Rowan, you can't be serious," I exhaled sharply, taking a step back. "I mean it. You can't be serious."

"I am," he smiled, watching over me with delight.

"Rowan," I grumbled, balling my fists and narrowing my eyes. "There's... there's not even a bathroom out here. How am I supposed to... I don't know, function?."

"Welcome to the great outdoors," he said, his smile growing wider. "This is all a part of embracing your werewolf side. This is why I didn't say anything earlier. I'm truly sorry for keeping my intentions from you, but I didn't think you'd agree otherwise. Yukinawa has a lot to offer, but I know it can be a hard sell."

"I didn't sign up for this," I huffed, attempting to build a case against spending time in Yukinawa. There was still time to abandon this plan and head back toward Nightfall. The walk over here—after a long car ride—was not unbearable and could be accomplished in just a day if planned correctly.

That was not to say that I wasn't open to the idea of learning more about my werewolf side, but that was before I knew it would entail roughing it in the elements.

"You did. I didn't take you for someone who goes against their word, Olive."

"I don't, but it feels like you're using my words against me."

Taking a step closer, he nudged my shoulder and said, "You need to give this place a chance, Olive. The people here will grow on you, even if you don't think so now. Please."

"You've been here before?" I asked, but whatever the answer, I knew I wouldn't have been surprised. Rowan, on our travels to Yukinawa, had known more people than I could ever think imaginable.

At each of the packs we had visited, Rowan recognized and had some sort of history with at least one member of each pack. He was well connected, and I couldn't help but wonder why the universe—or whatever Rowan believed paired the two of us together—would think we were destined for one another. Our lives could not be any more different.

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