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Mason's POV


I make it up the stairs and rip open the door to the alpha's office, not bothering to knock. The second I open the door I cam tell Leah's not in the room, if she was I'd be able to smell her.

What the fuck?

I look at the man sitting behind the desk in the center of the room. I know he's in his forties, but he looks like he's still in his twenties. He has the same brown hair and lightly tanned skin as Leah.

"Alpha where is Leah?" I ask quietly, staring at him.

He sighs, meeting my eyes, "close ; door Mason."

I instantly do as I'm told, shutting the door and sitting down in the chair.

"By now Mason you must've realized that there is something going on with the rogues that has to do with Leah," I nod and he continues, "Leah is the first real Redwood runt in over five hundred years."

I look at him expectantly, waiting to hear what this has to do with my mate being in danger.

"Mason there is something not many know about the Redwood family." he pauses and takes a deep breath, "we are the most direct descendants of the original werewolves- the lycans. Lycans are powerful, stronger than any werewolf alive today. They were ruled by instinct and killed thousands of humans weekly. Every time my family produces a true runt we have to worry about the rogues."

"Why? What does Leah have to do with lycans?" I ask, a terrible wave of worry for my mate washing over me.

"Leah has everything to do with lycans Mason," he states calmly

"But why?! How?!" I'm close to losing my temper, Leah is MINE and nothing is going to hurt her.

"Leah is the one who will give birth to the lycan, and she will be the only one able to control it's temper. The only thing that's stopped the rogues from charging in here is that she has to become impregnated by her true mate."

I take a shaky breath as this new information settles in. My questions had been answered, I know why the rogues are after Leah. I know what I'll be protecting her from.

I just never thought the thing I'd have to protect her from would be caused by our unborn child.


Leah's POV


I pace around the room, agitated. Why the fuck am I not allowed out?!

My heat ended three days ago but I'm still trapped, locked in my room like an animal.

I knew my family hated me, that would explain this. But... Well why hasn't Scar gotten me out of here for sparring practice? It's Sunday, and we always practice Sundays.

What about Mason? My mate. My mate must know my heat is over... Scar wouldn't just not tell him... right?

I sigh in frustration, wondering why exactly I want to see Mason; he's a jerk.

"You want to see him because he is our mate Leah. You can't hate him now, not for something he did before he knew. We both know he'd never have hurt us had he known we are his." my wolf whispers to me.

"What he did or didn't know doesn't matter! He did it. He hurt me. And I'm not his!" I snarl at her.

"We bear his mark," My wolf purrs, "we are and will always be his. He is our mate, Leah, you need to accept it."

I close my self off from her. I don't WANT to be Mason's mate. I hate him; all he's ever done is hurt me.

But... Could I ever reject him? Not only is he my true mate but he marked me. Rejecting him now would destroy my wolf.

"It would destroy you too and you KNOW it Leah. But if you don't want to be his mate I suppose him and Meg will get together...." she trails off.

"NO!" I scream out loud, so filled with rage I cam barely control myself.

It is at this moment that Mason runs into the room, looking terrified.

"Leah?!" he seems a bit relieved that I'm okay, but still looks worried.

"You. Are. MINE." I growl slowly, launching myself into his arms and kissing him with all the passion of a true mate.


Okay so sorry I've been late updating but I've had some pretty bad writers block the past little while. Hoping I can get the next chapter out before Monday.

So anyway, what did you think? Like it? Love it? Hate it?

If anything I bet you didn't see that one coming lol

Please give me some feedback I love hearing from you (:

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