Chapter 11

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Mason's POV


My wolf had my mate pinned beneath us, our teeth at her neck. She is ours, and she needs to realize it

But.. is this the way? Despite not being in control I can tell she's scared. This is not how I imagined I would mark my mate.

My wolf is about to bite when suddenly we're ripped off of our mate.

"NO!" My wolf roars with my voice, "SHE IS OURS!" he starts thrashing but whomever it is dragging us away from our mate is strong.

My wolf looks up and I can see Leah. She's curled into the feeble position, sobs ripping through her delicate body.

"This isn't right..." I whisper to my wolf, "look at our mate."

My wolf seems shocked at first, and then a crippling wave of pain sweeps over us. We had hurt our mate...... Again.

I slowly gain control and stop fighting whoever is dragging me out of the room. He closes the door and suddenly I'm slammed against a wall, the hand of a very pissed off Scar wrapped around my throat. One look at his eyes tells me his wolf is close to the surface.... I had messed with an alpha's family.... This is not going to go well.

"What the fuck was that?!" Scar growls at me, his grip tightening.

I fight with control of my wolf. He wants to tear out Scars throat, seeing him as a threat to Leah.

"No," I whisper to my wolf, "It is us that is the threat. Didn't you see how scared she was...?"

I realize Scar is still waiting for an answer.

"I'm so sorry... " I whisper, "I lost control... "

He growls.

"You will not EVER try something like that again. If you do, future beta or not I will rip your throat out. Or worse, I'll forbid you from seeing Leah for the rest of your life and banish you from the pack. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

I have to bite back the urge to snarl at him for threatening to keep my mate from me. He's going to be the alpha soon, and pissing him off would be a bad idea... But still. Leah is MINE, and if he thinks he can keep me away from her he is sadly mistaken. I feel my wolf's approval of that thought, and am finally able to nod that I understand his order.

"Get out of my sight." he growls, letting go of my neck, "I need to check on my sister. "

And with that he leaves me in the hallway, watching him close the door between me and my mate.


Okay so, not the best chapter but I think it turned out pretty good. :3

My last exam is tomorrow, and I'll post the new chapter Friday.

However, if I get 10 new fans I will post the newest chapter tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm not saying you have to fan me but getting new fans puts me in a better mood and when I'm in a good mood I tend to write more. Just saying :P

Thanks for reading Runt of the Pack, all votes are appreciated. Also, please comment I love hearing what you think :D

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