Chapter 4

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Thea's P.O.V.


I watched as my little sister stormed past me, tears filling my eyes as she slammed her door. Scar instantly pulled me into his arms and held me tightly as I took a few deep calming breaths.

"She hates us.." My wolf whimpers in my mind. I can't even argue.

"She has every right to hate us though..... We weren't there for her when she needed us. We were stupid to ignore her suffering and this is the price we have to pay. Let's hope she won't stay mad forever though..." I felt so horrible about what I had let happen to Leah. I ignored her and didn't even stand up for her when they pushed her around right in front of me.

"Hey..." Scar says quietly, kissing my forehead, "She's probably just mad about having to move back here. Give her a few days."

I shake my head, "No, it's more then that. She hates me Scar.... When she used to live here she was bullied really badly... And I... I didn't do anything to help her... I didn't even care that my baby sister was going through so much... And now that I finally realise how stupid and selfish I was it's too late." tears fill my eyes and I burry my face in his chest.

"I'm sure it's not too late Thea.." scar assures me, although he sounds unsure, "I can talk to her if you want."

I look at him and smile slightly, he always knows how to make me feel better.

"Thanks Scar... " I kiss him lightly and he hugs me closer.

"I'd do anything for you Thea. Besides... I know what it's like to be picked on for being a runt. It happened to me too," he smirks, and I know what he's thinking about in an instant. You see, Scar became larger then my father when we fully mated, even though he had been a runt his entire life before then. But I don't care, I would love him even if he was a runt.

He nuzzles me and I smile, before he lets me go and walks upstairs.

"Do you think she'll even talk to him?" my wolf asks hopefully

"I think so... And if she wont let him in he'll just pick the lock and make her listen," we both chuckle at that thought, and I walk out and towards my bedroom, hoping Leah's hatred of me won't last too much longer.


So what did ya think? I'm really sorry its so short but I kind of had writers block when it came to Thea lol

Also, if your waiting for the whole mating conflict with Mason, don't worry it's coming soon (: I just need to explain a bit more about Leah's history or it won't make much sense

Anyways thank you soooo much for reading. All votes and comments are appreciated as always~

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