Fear /9

618 17 4

Drama, drama~
Thx for reading :)

"Mom, are you serious right now?"

"Yes San, your brother is arriving tomorrow morning, he has a twenty-hour flight from Canada"

"Why the fuck are you telling me now??" San sighed in annoyance, he just woke up on a rainy Saturday to some bad news that his "sweet" older brother was coming home from Canada on his holiday break, things can't get any worse can they

"Yaaah! Don't swear at me young man, don't forget I made you! Why are you so mad anyway? You always liked Minjoon"

Rolling his eyes San stares at his food, playing around with the sausage on his plate, rolling it around and poking it with the chopsticks, while his mind thinks about the one hundred reasons why the boy hates when Minjoon comes home

While his dad gave him the name San, the definition of it being "mountain" he wanted San to be able to protect the people he loves while his brother, got the name Minjoon, someone who is "gentle, talented and handsome"

"gentle and handsome my ass" the boy comments with a whisper picking up the bullied sausage and biting on it, chewing the food loudly annoying his mom that is currently focused on some paperwork, she's been busy this past week, having to deal with "imbeciles who don't do their job properly"

And San doesn't hate his brother, no, they grew up together, his brother only being five years older than San, when he was a little boy he remembers playing football with Minjoon almost every day, they always laughed and had fun together running around playing hide and seek and doing stupid stuff as they grew up

That is until San found himself getting attached to Wooyoung, when he found the boy in that park and talked to him they became best friends in almost one second, they were even neighbors, obviously San didn't know that at the time but found the cute boy so interesting he forgot about his brother

So, thinking about it San and his brother grew apart after he met Wooyoung, and ever since then Minjoon started being an annoying bitch who was bullying him every time he came from school, every time he didn't know how to do homework and every time he told his mom that he was going to Wooyoung's house

He was jealous, doesn't make any sense for him to act like this, right?

Then the big problem started when Minjoon began to look at Wooyoung a lot, way too much for San's liking, his stare was consistent and lustfulness, disgusting from San's perspective, and San started to get even more possessive over Wooyoung not wanting his brother near him, that time he was 14, the exact time when he figured out he fell in love with his best friend, started to panic and told his other friend Hongjoong about it

He remembers confronting his brother and blackmailing him he would tell their mom about all the stares and touches on his best friend but apparently that was useless, Minjoon found that funny, and even took the blackmail and threw it back at San, "You tell mom this and I'll tell Wooyoung you fell in love with him"

That left San in a complicated situation, he didn't want to risk losing Wooyoung and he didn't want Minjoong near Wooyoung as well, the simple thoughts running through his mind "What if he does something to Wooyoung when I'm not there?" San would blame himself for life if something happened to his best friend, finding himself falling in love with the boy made him way too overprotective

But after some months or so San's mom told him the big news, Minjoong was leaving Seoul and going to Canada to continue studying, that made his life easier, it's been probably two years since he last saw his brother and San hadn't had any of this

"So? Are you going to eat or stare at your egg menacing?" San's mother asks the boy, flinching and jumping on the chair from his deep thoughts, his mind now busy thinking what the fuck it's happening between him and Wooyoung

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