Wet Fantasy /5

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Wooyoung's hands grip the black hair of San's head, a lewd moan comes from his mouth when a cold breath is blown on the tip of his hard dick

A small lick is placed on the wet tip of his shaft and another moan escapes from his partly open mouth

Wooyoung looks down at his best friend who feels his gaze and looks upwards at the boy, a smile appears on his lips before he sticks his tongue out and licks the same spot again making Wooyoung groan with pleasure

San's tongue trails down his length, putting the tip inside his mouth sucking and licking, his hand goes to the bottom part of Wooyoung's member and starts jerking him off while his mouth does the job

With fast breaths the younger boy closes his eyes shut and takes in all the pleasure that his best friend is causing, whimpering when San puts all his length inside his mouth and starts moving his head up and down repeatedly, every inch of Wooyoung's body feels like burning

San then starts deep-throating the boy causing a knot to form in Wooyoung's stomach, he gets chills down his spine when his best friend hums with his dick still inside his mouth, vibrating with the hum, with a whine Wooyoung tugs and pulls hard into the boy's hair making San groan, another set of chills go from the boy's member up his spine from the vibration

"A-ah~ I'm coming Sannie~" With that San's head bobs at a faster pace and Wooyoung releases his warm liquid In the boy's mouth, panting hard

Wooyoung looks at him and San takes his cock out of his mouth with a pop sound, he opens his mouth full of Wooyoung's white liquid before closing it again and swallowing, licking his lips after staring directly at his best friend's pink flushed face.

Wooyoung feels himself getting hard again, San's smirk is present on his handsome face when noticing his hard member once again, his intense stare, looking at Wooyoung's entire body with hunger in his eyes, he gets closer to his face kissing the boy, forcing his tongue into Woo's mouth making him taste his own cum.

From his wet cavity San's mouth starts wondering at Wooyoung's jawline, licking along the visible line while displaying small kisses onto the pale skin, going to the boy's earlobe he bites onto it making Wooyoung squeak

The kisses go on and downwards, passing from Wooyoung's attractive neck to his shoulders and toned chest stopping at the boy's tummy where San sucks on the skin by his belly button making a red visible hickey, getting to Woo's V-line he kisses both curves on his hips moving to the boy's inner thighs where he sucks the silky and smooth skin, a pleased hum echoes in the room and Wooyoung's legs open wide giving San's mouth more space to fill him up with red marks and kisses

Wooyoung needed more

"San stop teasing" he tells the boy that stops the kisses and looks at him

With a small smile on his face San approaches Wooyoung getting closer to his ear

"I would love to fuck you, but I can't" he whispers into his ear

"What, why not" Wooyoung asks confused

"I'm not real, Woo"

"Huh? You are, what the fuck are you talking about?" The boy moves San to face him, holding his face, on hand on each of the boys cheeks

"Wake up Woo"

"What?" confused the boy looks at San's cute dimples when the boy smiles

"Wake up"

"Wooyoung!" A loud voice shakes the boy up,sitting, the warm blanket falls from his chest to his lap, a drop os sweat kisses the boy's neck falling down to his collarbone vanishing into his shirt

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