21 🔥 Unleashed

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7th May Continued...

It's only when I'm squeezed into the taxi with Roxy and her friends, minus Freya, who is in another cab with more friends, that I remember Roxy saying, "And Mistresses, like me."

I want to ask her about it, but what if her friends don't know? What if I blow open a secret right at the beginning of a friendship? I can't risk that, I'll have to wait till later. I need to get her number though. I've had nights like these before, any minute now the whole night will speed up and I'll forget everything but the now.

I pass my phone to her, 'Roxy will you put your number in there. Just in case I lose you in the club.'

'Sure baby,' she says and taps her number in. 'But don't worry, I won't lose you. I'll stick to you like glue, I promise. You'll be safe with me.'

Safe? Why wouldn't I be safe? Shit, I should have asked more questions, what am I about to get myself into?

There's already a line at the door to the club as our cab pulls up to the curb. It stretches half way around the block. Maybe I should back out now? Ask the cab to take me back to Freya's. I hate waiting in line, especially when I'm not sure what I'm even waiting for.

Freya floats out of the cab in front of us, sweeping everyone along with her, then stopping. She peers back towards my cab, a worried look on her face. I step out from behind Roxy, and Freya's eyes find mine, relief washing over her face. I can't help thinking what a wonderful mother she would have made.

'Lilah, Darling,' Freya shouts back to me, 'Come with me.'

Roxy grabs my hand and pulls me along to Freya, who grabs the other hand, and sweeps us all past the line and into the club. I am now part of the rainbow puff crowd that surrounds Freya. And even though my denim mini skirt, t-shirt and high-heeled boots are black, I feel right at home.

It's the same feeling I have when I'm with you in the room. Safe, protected, a rare breed. Someone special, to be taken care of. Just like I was as a kid, when my four older brothers used to look out for me. This is different though, because now everyone encourages me to do my own thing, and back then they just wanted me to go into the family business.

I'm so busy being spun into this candy floss crowd, that I don't stop to take in my surroundings. We are well into the club now and the rainbow people start peeling away to dance, or talk to people they know, or order drinks, and suddenly I'm alone.

The scene is wild. The building is huge, and filled with people making out or dancing. They wear suits, or leather, or latex, or beautiful dresses with matching collars, or only designer jeans with leashes.

Four huge bird cages hang from each corner of the ceiling. All of them containing almost naked couples or thruples. I can't quite believe they're allowed to do what they're doing in public. I though I was a rare breed, turns out, not so much!

The smell of sex in the air is palpable, as my eyes come down from the ceiling and look around, I suddenly feel highly exposed. Men and women eye me. They seem to be getting closer. Are they getting closer? I'm starting to feel like prey.

Which way did we come in? Where is the exit? I wish you were here Mac. I need to get out of here. My breathing is trapped inside my chest, my vision blurring. I'm starting to float up though the top of my head.

A hand grips mine, 'Lilah? Are you ok?' Roxy's voice is very far away as the eyes of all the people around me start to swim into fishes in a very small bowl around my body.

I feel a squeeze on my hand, then my finger being bitten.

'What the fuck?' I swing my head to the side. Roxy has my finger in her mouth. 'What are you doing?' I ask.

'Trying to get your attention. You were starting to have a panic attack.'

'I don't have panic attacks. What is this place?'

'People come here to play. It's ok Lilah, you're safe with me.' She wraps her hand around my waist and pulls me closer. 'I've got you. Stay close to me and they'll think I'm your owner.'


'Yes. Your Mistress. If they want to play with you, they have to ask for my permission.' She rubs my finger across her lips. They are so soft and so plump, and her eyes so hypnotic, as they bore into mine, that I am rendered immobile.

'Don't worry. I won't let them put you in a cage like a little bird...unless you want me to,' she smiles.

I smile back. The longer I look at her, the more of her beauty I see. It's not just her huge hazel eyes, or her massive curly auburn hair, or her tiny frame with the perfect size breasts, it's her magic. Her sweetness. She seems crazy kind the way she's holding me so close. Protecting me.

I keep coming back to that - Protected. Over and over again. Do I seek it out unconsciously? Will there ever be a time when I don't need protection? Will there ever be a time when I can protect myself?

She reaches into her pocket, takes out a tiny silver compact and flips it open. It's full of white pills. 'This night is about to get fucking wild,' she says and puts a pill on her tongue then swallows it without water. She takes another pill, puts it in her mouth, puts both arms around my waist and sticks her tongue out.

Fuck, she's sexy. I feel her hand on the back of my neck and see a question in her eyes.

'Yes please,' I say, opening my mouth and leaning in close. She puts her tongue into my mouth, depositing the pill on my tongue. I smile and swallow it. Her mouth is still next to mine and I can't help kissing it. It's such a beautiful mouth...

Hi Wild Ones,

If you'd like to check out Lilah's poetry on Insta, look for @lilah_j_jones
If you'd like to follow me - the actual writer 😉 find me on Insta @a.girl.called.violet

With Love & Other Things,
Violet xxx

Ocean Of Need Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora