Chapter 40: the Caged Bird Sings

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 Kyra stifled a yawn as she walked through the cream-colored halls, the unmistakable sound of utensils clanking against plates wafting through the air. As she passed by an open doorway, she could see a large table covered in a diverse spread of smoked meats, steamed vegetables, and simmering soups, crowded by soldiers on every side. Servants rushed in and out of the room, clearing plates and adding to the feast.

At the end of the room, Pierre sat, fingers rubbing his temple in exasperation at the sight. He was trying to say something over the noise, failing miserably instead.

"Phoenix!" someone yelled. The room went silent, turning to Kyra, who stood, head poking through the doorway. The person who spoke rose, swishing a glass of wine in her direction. "To the mighty Phoenix," she declared, tilting the glass toward Kyra, "who valiantly won the Match Battle!" Everyone cheered, and as she studied the room, unsure as to what to do, she saw Pierre smiling warmly at her.

She stepped into the doorway ever so slightly, leaning her shoulder against it.

"The Match Battle?" She inquired, watching as the glasses people had raised in her honor lowered. Pierre cleared his throat.

"They're calling it the Match Battle After your words. All it takes is a match, remember? You've inspired people."

Kyra shifted. "I see."

Kyra continued walking down the hall. The room fell awkwardly silent for a moment, but before long, everyone erupted back into rambunctious cheers and hollers. Kyra listened as they faded away, replaced by the soft pat of her boots on the carpet once more.

A series of twists and turns later, Kyra walked past the front foyer. A small movement outside caught her eye, and she went to investigate. She opened the door to find Ren, not too far off in the forest surrounding the manor, placing a small rock on top of an already unstable pile. He used his hands to cup the sides just in case they came tumbling down.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kyra found herself asking as she approached the meadow he was crouched in. Ren looked up, but in his peripheral, he spotted another rock at her feet that drew his attention more.

"I'm distracting myself," he replied, grabbing the rock near her feet. He repeated the motion to pile it on the others, the tower beneath his fingers teetering carelessly.

She rubbed one of her thumbs over the other through her gloves. He flopped back onto the forest floor. Kyra exhaled, lowering herself to the ground.

"It's not just a necklace."

She began to add on to his pile of rocks. If Ren wanted to react, he didn't. He listened patiently.

"In the organization, they took us out on some days for what they called a field test. We would go out on the grass surrounding the lab and try and channel our gift." She paused as her wrist accidentally sent the rocks tumbling toward the ground.

Ren nodded, lifting himself up to stack two rocks on each other, starting the tower anew.

"When I found my gift, it was more potent than the others. They wanted to keep studying it."

Kyra slowly reached forward, stacking a rock of her own on top of the pile. It settled on perfectly.

"My doctor was giving me extra doses."

Ren's hand paused, already halfway between reaching for a rock.

"I thought you said kids were dying left and right because of the regular dose. So would that mean-"

"That the magic was insanely unstable and dangerous? Yes." She took a deep breath. "One day, they wanted me to see King Malum. He was curious about my magic."

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