Chapter 35: Strategy

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 King Aptos gestured for Kyra to enter, and she did so, staring at the room around them. It was filled with the highest esteemed nobles, dukes, and duchesses whose eyes flashed in confusion and disgust as she bowed toward the king. They hid their snarls behind fans dotted with flowers and stars and their glares behind small brushes dipped in purple pigments.

But whatever hatred Kyra held for them, Ren held more. She could feel the anger radiating from him as they entered the room, and she didn't fail to notice how his fingers twitched, itching for his sword. It was like watching a cat enter a lion's den.

The king cleared his throat.

"This is Kyra, formerly known as the First Assassin of Vorin." His voice echoed throughout the room, bouncing off desks and podiums. The nobles who didn't know stared at each other whispers about whether the news had reached them spreading through the room. The king made a gentle rapping noise against the podium before him to quiet the people down.

"Kyra saved his life. Had it not been for her bravery, my son would be in the hands of the enemy. So, I do hope," his expression turned scolding, "that you will withhold your judgment for the sake of this meeting." He sucked in a breath. "Without further ado, Kyra, present your strategies for the court."

Kyra stepped forward, clasping her hands before her. She stared up at the nobles in the room.

The first criticism came directly after her speech. Kyra heaved a breath, preparing for the words of a woman with blonde hair and pert, downturned lips.

"All this coming from his favorite assassin? I still say we can't trust your word." Kyra turned, and when she did so, she nearly audibly gasped.

Standing before her, just a few feet away, was the same woman she had seen at the lieken charity event.

Kyra's gloves crinkled as she clenched her fingers. Something dark and cruel twisted around her, and soon, she couldn't focus on the conversation.

Kyra tore her gaze from the woman, taking a closer look at some of the nobles in the room. She was horrified to discover more familiar faces. The room was filled with her enemies, and Kyra was at the heart of it all.

She was trapped.

"Seize them."

The army behind Eryssa marched forward, bursting doors open and dragging those who retaliated by their collars and arms. The orders were clear: conquer the town, remove the citizens, and leave the children unharmed.

In a matter of minutes, Vorinian guards flooded through the town, bringing every single citizen out of their home and into the clearing Vorin had set up camp at. Catapults and machinery stood at the ready, pointed toward the town. The citizens stared fearfully at the weaponry and explosives, holding onto their loved ones and wrapping scarves and blankets around their children.

One woman broke away from the crowd, letting out a roar as she charged toward Eryssa, who stood, feet slightly parted, hands behind her back. She watched on with a pleasant smile as the woman drew nearer, an arrow intended for a bow clutched in her hands. It wasn't until she was so close that Eryssa could feel the woman's furious breath that Eryssa finally lifted a hand.

The woman shrieked in pain, whimpering in agony as an icicle sank into her shoulder. Another icicle appeared soon after, piercing the woman's opposite thigh. She collapsed to the floor, much to the gasps of the crowd.

Eryssa let out a sigh.

"Someone get this hysterical woman some medical attention," she waved the woman away, turning back to the horror-stricken town. "I do hope that none of that will happen again."

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