Chapter 22: Keep Your Enemies Close

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 They went through the disaster together, marching through the sea of bodies pressing in. No one took notice of the pair even when they split from the crowd.

Ren led them to a dark part of the wall on the side of the stairs, where he released Kyra's wrist to feel about the wall, evidently trying to find something. He shoved his palm into a small, camouflaged sun symbol, and the wall pulled apart to reveal a secret passage into the stairs. Kyra ducked in after Ren as he stepped inside, both crouching to avoid their heads bumping the ceiling.

Kyra allowed Ren to guide them through the passage, unsure as to where he was taking her but knowing that anything was better than what lay behind them. She didn't know how many different turns and twists he led them down, but eventually, he stopped, causing Kyra to bump into his back.

Ren pressed a succession of buttons, and the wall opened once more, exposing a large void Kyra couldn't make out.

"Come on, let's find a pit to light."

Kyra was about to ask what he meant when he led her out into the void, feeling about until his hands found a large object. That was when Kyra could hear him shuffle, muttering something in another language.

"Hang on, I can't find my matches."

Kyra leaned forward and found the object he was next to and felt about it until she found its center, filled with a flammable, grainy powder. She slipped one glove off and lit the powder, watching as it flickered and then swallowed the flame.

It exploded with life, and both Ren and Kyra jumped back as the flames engulfed the magic hungrily.

Ren looked at the pit cautiously. Kyra glanced away, thinking about the thoughts spiraling in his mind with a show of power like that. They were rudely reminded of who she was once again. She turned around, staring at the giant room before them.

"What is this place?" she wondered aloud, admiring the giant statues surrounding the room.

"You didn't think the underground stopped at the criminal city, did you? They kept some of the original labyrinths like this one." Ren sounded proud to know this, grinning like a little boy with a secret.

"Twelve statues. These are the twelve Saints." Kyra counted off each one.

"Clever as ever. Yes, this room used to be used by ancient rulers to hold secret meetings with the council of the sun. It's abandoned now."

Kyra stared up at one statue, taking in the feat of architecture and art that it was. The statue depicted a tall, mighty warrior holding a sword in her hand.

"And how come you know this?" Kyra interrogated him, listening for how her voice echoed about the vast chamber.

"I, uh, was still in my troublemaker phase when I first started working in the castle." Ren grinned sheepishly, sitting at the base of a Saint holding a crown. "I discovered quite a few hidden passages throughout the castle."

Kyra did her best to concentrate on the room, but her mind returned to Aran and Jin. Her frown returned, and her heart sank a little. "Ash was just a boy."

Ren looked up at her. Kyra was staring at the golden sword in Saint Elysia's hands, silent for so long that Ren began to count the seconds as they flew by. Kyra's mind went to the day of his attempted escape. The picture of that sweet little boy carted away on top of those piles of bodies made Kyra's legs threaten to buckle. She quickly approached where Ren was sitting, cross-legged and leaning against the statue's base, and plopped down next to him.

Ren pulled a small bag out from beside him. It was purple, with little butterflies embroidered into it. Kyra wondered what the bag was for when Ren opened the lid, pulling out bandages, a towel, and a small flask with clear liquid. Why had he traded in his old medical bag? A thought crossed her mind, but Kyra swiftly pushed it away. Had he done it for her?

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