Chapter 28: Travels

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 "Good morning, birdbrain!" Ren sang, banging on the door to Kyra's room. He could hear her groan in protest, but with some shuffling sounds, she opened the door to reveal herself to the singing pest before her.

"Wake me like that again, and I'll skewer you." She frowned, glaring at him through dark eyes. Ren took one look at her and started laughing, shaking from the trembles and leaning on her doorframe for support. "What?" she shot back, but the snark in her tone was soon replaced with honest confusion. "Seriously, what." Ren finally got a hold of himself, straightening and coughing up a final giggle.

"You should see your hair right now," he grinned, hiding his smile behind polite hands.

Kyra groaned, reaching up to smooth down her hair like a bird with ruffled feathers. By the time she was done, Ren was already off down the hall, waving for her to follow. She did so, taking a few hasty steps to catch up to the speedy swordsman. They traveled through the halls together, shoulder to shoulder, both looking curiously at the people passing by. They were all hurrying around, checking off things on small lists.

"Azura sure is lively again," Kyra noted, stepping around a woman charging through the hall with her eyes glued to her list.

Ren looked at her with an odd expression.

"I think you've taken a liking to this place!" He remarked with wonder. He watched as Kyra turned, slightly indignant, brows furrowed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She studied his smile, trying to find what was so notable about his revelation.

"You used to look around like this place was a cage," he looked ahead, waving passing greetings to the occasional person who wasn't completely immersed in their list. "Welcome to Azura, Kyra." He said the last words with an extra weight.

"So. Where are you dragging me now?" She studied their path. Ren glanced at her, a twinkle in his eye as his lips curled up into a sly smile.

"While you were getting your beauty sleep, guess who found us another lead?" He pulled a small map from his pocket, handing the parchment over to Kyra as her eyes widened. She looked from the map to Ren, then back to the paper.

"What's this?" she asked.

"I talked to the blacksmith. She told me that the purchase of the armor the guards wore was strictly anonymous, but she was able to provide me with this map kindly. It's the place she had someone tail the buyer to."

"Good work, sidekick." Kyra nodded.

"It's nestled between the mountains where Lord Janus resides," Ren said. "I had the idea that we could offer to deliver those invitations since we're probably faster than any guards his majesty could send."

They rounded a corner and arrived at the king's study, where two guards stood at attention on either side as usual.

Ren waved to them, but to his surprise, and Kyra's, they were paying him no mind. They both turned upon hearing footsteps, staring at Kyra. Kyra stared curiously back, trying to pick apart the look on their face. Their eyes weren't scrutinizing but rather filled with wonder.

They stepped aside immediately when Kyra showed signs of entering the room. Ren glanced back at them as they stepped into the room. He shrugged it off, silently hoping the looks weren't negative.

The king stood, hunched over his desk, which was covered in loose papers, pointing and gesturing wildly with his finger for the man next to him to see. Kyra recognized the man as Captain Augustus, the one she'd seen on her first arrival in Azura. He glanced up, a rough face tilting to look at Kyra. He straightened, ignoring what the king was saying, to stare Kyra down. He didn't look pleased.

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