Chapter 17: Secrets of Azura

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 Aran stepped up in front of the grand door, staring disgustedly at the Vorinian coat of arms that was engraved on it.

He nodded to a guard next to him, allowing them to go on their rant about the lieken code. As if he'd ever get close to using his magic near the king. He wouldn't dare; it was too risky. The guard opened the door, allowing Aran to cross the threshold into the king's study.

Aran locked eyes with Jin, who was already standing at the king's desk, jaw so tight Aran could've thought it was glued shut. He studied the shapeshifter's appearance. Jin was currently sporting a basic, boring look of a short boy with mousy brown hair cut at the ears. Jin only used basic appearances when he was drained of energy. And drained he is, Aran thought, eyeing the boy's weary eyes and hollow cheekbones. Where his left eye's flesh was usually so alight with life, it was now purple and yellow from a black eye.

Jin finally met Aran's eyes with a sullen expression. He looked so exhausted and pitiful, like a sad little puppy.

But Aran didn't care. Of course, he didn't. In fact, all he could think about was how glad he was that it was Jin with these pains and not himself. Some shrapnel of Aran's consciousness told him that it wasn't human to think that way. But Aran had already sacrificed too much of his humanity to care about other people, and he certainly wasn't going to try getting it back now.

"Gravedigger." The king's cold voice reached out and yanked him back into focus. Aran could see Jin stiffen with a snap at the king's words.

"Your majesty." He bent down, bowing mechanically, soaking in the familiar motion.

"I have summoned you, Shapeshifter, and Ghost for a special mission."

Nik? Aran hadn't seen Nik.

With another scan of the room, they finally emerged from the darkness, sharp eyes already locked onto him. Aran felt the hair on his neck stand up. No matter how often Nik appeared out of thin air, it was still frightening. It made you feel watched.

The king slowly and carefully rose from his seat as if he wanted to ensure they were watching him. He folded his hands together and stared each of the assassins down.

"I want you all to go to Azura. I want you to sneak into the castle, and I want you to bring me the first prince of Azura."

Aran felt like he had endured a swift kick to the gut. Jin and Nik glanced at each other. The same question was on all their minds. What did this mean for the relationship between Azura and Vorin? And then the next question arrived in each of their minds, a very unwelcome visitor, like death waiting to say hello. No one spoke. No one dared to ask the question in everyone's minds. No one, except...

Nik lifted their hands. Jin tried to shake his head, no, but Nik was already signing their question.

'What about Kyra?'

Aran felt his blood freeze. Jin looked panicked, swiftly glancing at the king and back to Nik as if it would help anything. The king's face burned with anger. Veins burst to life all over his forehead, and Aran felt goosebumps creep along his arms at the king's disturbing glare.

King Malum marched around his desk, a jump in his step. He walked over and seized Nik by the collar, yanking them closer to yell in their face.

"If you see that Saint forsaken, miserable little traitor, you kill her on the spot!" The last words were more spray than speak. Aran felt slightly disgusted and sympathetic as spit flew onto Nik's face. Nik was downright terrified; face turned away as their crazed eyes craved any other sight than the king's enraged expression.

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