V3 Chapter 5.5: Kiryuuin My Beloved

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Ikuto Pov
My phone rang for the second time in a row and it fell off my bedside table. I was laying on top of my bed with a book in my hand and a cup of tea next to my phone. I attempted to ignore it as I wrapped my finger around the corner of the page, allowing my eyes to move down the page before flipping it over.

Rio: Kiryama-Kun, aren't you going to pick that up?

Ikuto: Not planning on it, I already know what she wants anyways.

Kuzuryu: Just pick the damn thing up, it's annoying.

Kuzuryu kicked his feet aimlessly off the side of his bed while he side eyed me with an annoyed expression. Rio was staring up aimlessly at the ceiling, his phone laying at his side, for minutes before he was texting girls.

Ikuto: If it bothers you that much than fine.

Picking ip my phone from the floor, I was just in time for the third call. The caller ID proudly displayed:

Fuka Kiryuuin

I clicked the green button and answered while lowering my body to sit onto the edge of my bed.

Kiryuuin: How was the sex? Was it hot and rough?

Ikuto: I engaged in no such acts! Where did you even get such an idea?

Kiryuuin: I guessed it based off how long it took for you to answer.

Ikuto: I was under the belief that this was unimportant, and you're vulgar speech is making me believe it even more.

Kuzuryu: Christ...

Kiryuuin: You are too easy to make fun of Kiryama-Kun-perhaps you should remove that stick from your ass and put it through your front end?

Ikuto: Fuuuuuu...This is waste of time.

Of course it would be this way, I should have just turned off my phone in the first place. I sighed and rubbed my face, dragging my hand down over the bridge of my nose and down to my chin before letting it go slack on my knee.

Ikuto: Is there a single important thing you need to say or am I just going to have to hang up.

I paused. My mind darted to a strange possibility; is it really about that?

-Is it about Ayanokouji?

Kiryuuin: To a degree. A meeting in five is fine with you right?

Ikuto: Not especially, how about 10?

Kiryuuin: Good enough. Meet me on the main deck.


The phone clicked and silence overtook the room. My hand lowered into my pocket and stood up from my position sitting on the bed.

Rio: I assume it's that crazy bitch right?

Ikuto: I don't know who you are referring to.

Kuzuryu: I would hate everyone else too if she talked to me.

Rio: Kiryuuin is such a jerk wad. Man, why do all the A-Rank hotties in our class have to be complete jerks?

I clicked my tongue and signaled for them both to stop talking and they both turned towards me with thee eyebrows raised. I looked over and squinted as the morning sun poured through the gap in the curtains.

For a moment I focused on the island m outside the window. If I was not mistaken, it would be the second day of the 1st years island exam. I remembered the second day of our island exam vividly, and I cringed at the memory.

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