I've never been a big fan of parties. I mean, I still attend them solely because Matt makes me go with him and his friends from the football team.

I dress in a pair of black leggings, a half-sleeve grey and white baseball tee and white high top converse.

Once I'm ready I head over to Addy's room and give the babysitter, Jackie, the scoop on when to put Addy to bed and all of that good stuff. I hug Addy goodbye and hop into the rover with Matt.


I haven't even stepped out of the car and I can smell the alcohol and stupid decisions. I open the car door and meet Matt on the other side.

"Are you sure about this?" He simply
nods in response.

Matt never told me whose party this is, but they have serious connections. The house is huge, but unfortunately what I can see if it is already littered with empty cans and solo cups.

We walk through the already opened door side by side and Matt turns to me to say something but I can't hear him over the blasting music. He pulls out his phone holding it next to his cheek and mouths "text me." I nod, and he walks away. I immediately lose him in the crowd of hormonal teenagers. Great. Looks like I'm on my own.

I walk around for a little bit, trying my best not to bump into people, until I find a couch that isn't occupied by people sucking face. I plop down on it.

Shortly after, the cushion beside me dips in. "Hey baby." A low, husky voice rumbles from beside me. I immediately recognize it to belong to Chris. I haven't seen him in about a week.

"Oh hey Chris." I give him a fake, sweet smile. I feel my body go cold as he scoots his way closer to me, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

Chris and I aren't together and I would never want to be with him. He always wanted me to do things with him and I always declined. That's until he forced me into doing things with him when we alone at a party and threatened to hurt me if I told anyone. He's only slapped me once before, which made me scared enough not to rat him out. I've always told Matt that we're a couple so he doesn't get suspicious, but all I want is to tell him the truth. It sucks being used to fulfill someone's sexual needs, especially when they're never... gentle.

I must've spaced off because the next thing I know Chris sits down next to me on the sofa again.

"I got us some drinks." He says thrusting one my way.

"Oh no than-"

"Drink it." He cuts me off. He wasn't rude or forceful about it, he was calm in a way, which scared me even more.

I hesitantly put the cup up to my lips, taking a sip of the mystery liquid and swallowing. I cringe as the warm drink makes its way down my throat. It burns the whole way down.

"What is that?" I cough slightly.

He shrugs and says, "They call it something like Black Russian."

I remember my mom telling me about how one of her friends got shit faced off a few of these drinks because the alcohol content is like 10% or something. I'm not going to decline a drink for Chris though. Who knows what the punishment would be.

"How is it?" His breath doesn't smell like alcohol. I'll peek in his cup later.

"It's.. fine I guess."

"Good because I'm going to make you another one after you finish that one." He gives a smug smile.

After a bit more small talk and Chris urging me to finish my drink, I finally do. I'm not drunk, but I'm getting fuzzy and woozy.

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