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                      "How are you feeling now Laliana? " The doctor, a tall, middle aged light skinned woman in dark green scrubs asked Laliana after checking her temperature using a tiny digital thermometer. "I'm feeling fine," Twelve year old Laliana replied faintly. Sally and little Merina were seated on either side of Laliana's hospital bed, both had unreadable expressions on their faces.
                             It was the first time Laliana was admitted at a hospital. She had started her very first periods that week and it had proven to take a toll on her. The time that every young girl found very fascinating to experience turned out to be a nightmare for Laliana. She had pretty bad abdominal and lower back pains ever since she first spotted those small red dots on her underwear. Sally came to terms that the situation could only be solved by medical intervention.
                           "So doctor, what does the test results show?" Sally asked in eagerness for the answer. The doctor took a deep breath and opened the folder that was initially under her armpit. "Well, after the laparoscopy, it was found ,that your daughter is suffering from the condition known as endometriosis, " "What in the world is endome...ednome.." "Endometriosis is the illness that's been making your daughter experience serious abdomen and lower back pains..."
                                   "Wait, is this illness curable?" Sally asked impatiently. "Unfortunately no cure has been found yet..." " So you mean my daughter will be suffering for the rest of her life?" Annoyed by Sally's interruptions, the doctor gave a loud sigh, "Sorry miss..." Staring closely at the doctor's name tag pegged on her breast pocket, "Miss Nandi. You can continue," "As I was saying, endometriosis can be managed by taking various painkillers and in more severe cases..."
                                   "I'm so sorry doctor for interrupting you again but could you please give us a few minutes to talk. Please!" Sally requested while looking as if a sudden realisation had just dawned on her.Miss Nandi, gave a questioning look at Sally. She reluctantly nodded her head and exited the room.
                                  "Mom! Can you explain why you made us jump through the window of the hospital ?" Laliana asked her mother in a demanding tone.
                                     Sally, Merina and Laliana were already in their small and cramped apartment. Their clothes each bore small and numerous tears while their exposed skin each bore several scratch marks that resulted from jumping the perimeter wall that had sharp barbed wire. For once, Sally thanked the faulty security system of that hospital since the cameras did not capture neither of them escaping. There was also electric fences installed alongside the barbed wire however none emitted any electric current. One of the upsides of a public hospital in the perspective of an opportunist.
                                   "Mother, I know we are not doing well financially but what you made us do was reckless. What if we could get caught..." "Laliana! Please be quiet!" Sally exclaimed loudly, startling Laliana and waking up Merina who fell asleep on her laps.
                                      "Laliana, I can't believe you have the energy to talk like that even after all those injections! " "Mother I..."
                                          Laliana could not continue to talk after her mother showed her the hospital bill.  One hundred and fifty thousand shillings! That was quite a lot! " Tell me dear Laliana, if you were a single mother from a poor background with an unstable job, two children to pay school fees for, buy food, clothes, rent and now... medication, what would you do?"  Sally finished with tears already dampening her cheeks.


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