This would actually be our third year of doing that tradition, just that thought made a smile appear on my face.


I was snapped out of my thoughts when my beautiful dog, Oakley ran over to me, her bright amber eyes shining with excitement, her tail wagging happily. "Hey, sweet girl!" I chirped, picking up the small canine into my arms.

Oakley was the only Chihuahua that Eddie could tolerate because she wasn't like others of her breed. Sure, she has a mean bite, but she was usually the sweetest little thing in the world, so lovey dovey and all. She was just a bundle of energy that loved to play and playfully nip and that's what drew me to her in the first place.

"Okay, Miss Oakley! It's daddy's birthday today, so we gotta be on our best behavior, mkay?" I cooed in a baby voice, puckering my lips and turning my head to my left as she licked my face and slightly squirmed in my embrace. I giggled as she playfully and gently nipped at the small space between my jaw, cheek, and side of my mouth like she always did to show her love.

"Alright, let's get cooking." I told her as I set her down, pressing a kiss to her head before making my way to wash my hands in the sink. She jumped at my shins making me laugh as she followed me around the kitchen. I nearly tripped on her tiny body here and there as she tried to get my attention, probably wanting pets and treats, and even though I really wanted to give them to her, I couldn't get distracted. I had a time limit.

About two hours later, I had made spaghetti, a birthday cake, and had Kevin's favorite wine out for us all laid out on a neatly made dinner table. I took Oakley out on a quick walk so she could go potty before taking her back inside and gave her some dinner in her doggy crate. I sat on the couch waiting for Kevin to come home for the rest of the time, which was about ten minutes or so.

*Clickaty clack*

I looked up at the door, seeing that it was being unlocked. I stood up with a smile, walking over just as the door opened. Kevin came in with an almost dazed look on his face, like he had been shocked and excited back and forth all day long. I wasn't surprised as the boys had a lot in store for him.

"Hey, baby! Happy birthday!" I say softly, hugging him close. "Thanks, Y/n." He said, holding me close to his chest. After a few seconds, Oakley started to bark from her crate, making us pull apart. She jumped against the iron barred door as her tail wagged so fast, it looked like a small blur was just there behind her. "Oakley, daddy's home!" I say, pulling away from my boyfriend and opening the crate as he closed the front door. "Hey!" Kevin greeted, kneeling down and petting and kissing the small dog. "It's great to be back with both of my favorite girls." He said, kissing her head then pecking my lips. I laughed and returned the tiny kiss.

"Oh, yeah, Kev, I made you some dinner." I say, making him look up, "Ooohhh! Thanks, baby, what's for dinner?" He said, picking Oakley up and carrying her as he followed me into the dining room. "It came out blazing hot, so I'm glad you got here a few minutes after I set this up." I giggled. "Holy shit, you did all of this for me, Y/n? This is a lot!" Kevin marveled, setting down the small creature on the floor to sit at the table. "Well, I wanted to make it special for you. It's your birthday, after all." I say, sitting across from him. "Thanks so much, babe. This is fantastic."

After dinner, we cleaned up and the first thing he did when I was done with cleaning the dishes was spin me around, lift me up and set me on the counter. I yelped with a laugh, making him smile. I draped my arms around his shoulders loosely, a small rag in my right hand from drying my hands. Kevin's hands were on my hips as he stood between my legs. Kevin nuzzled his nose against mine sweetly making me blush deeply and causing my heart to melt as this cute little moment.

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