Part 30

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When they returned from track later on that night they had to stay in Las Vegas until the next day because Lando wasn't cleared to fly until then. 

"Are you sure you're feeling ok?" Jasmine asks Lando for the millionth time before they leave the hotel room. "I've told you I'm fine!" he replies half annoyed and half in love with how much she cares about him "I just want to make sure, you know I was worried" "I know" he says with a cheeky grin giving her a kiss as they leave their hotel and ride to the airport in a comfortable silence.

Once they arrived in Abu Dhabi, the couple went for a walk down the beach under the city lights holding hands and just enjoying some alone time together after a hectic weekend when suddenly Lando stops and tells her to sit down on the sand with him and watch the waves as they gently crash against the shore. Jasmine sits next to him and he puts his arm around her shoulders as she rests her head on his shoulder. 

"I'm not racing in FP1 this weekend, we've got Pato racing as a rookie" Lando tells her "Ok, that means we can have lunch together maybe?" Jasmine asks gently "Ok"

After sitting there making small talk and enjoying some time together the pair head back to the hotel to get some sleep and try to beat the jet lag. 

On Wednesday evening McLaren's team and plus one's had dinner with everyone to celebrate the end of the season which had been one of the most successful in a while.

On Wednesday evening McLaren's team and plus one's had dinner with everyone to celebrate the end of the season which had been one of the most successful in a while

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@jas_fewtrell-A night with the best team @mclaren @oscarpiastri @landonorris

"I want to go somewhere with you before we head back to the hotel" Lando says while they get into the car "Where are we going?" Jasmine asks about 10 minutes into the drive "You'll see soon enough darling" he replies putting his hand on her thigh and squeezing it gently. 

Truth be told, Lando had no idea what was going to be at the location when they arrived as he had asked Max to help him sort everything out so it could be perfect and he wasn't the best at organising things. Max had sent him the address and the time to arrive and so far everything was going to plan, perfect. Lando only had to remember 1 thing and he pulls his hand off Jasmine's thigh and puts it in his pocket to make sure he has what he needs. When he feels the small velvet box he takes a mental sigh of relief that he hadn't ruined the whole evening.

"Babe, open the glove box and put that blindfold on for me please" Lando asks as he takes the final turn "Ok, but don't let me fall!" she agrees causing Lando to laugh "Of course not" 

The car parks and Lando quickly rushes around to the passenger side of the car to let Jasmine out so he can guide her to the location. "Oh shit, wait, I need you to put this on for me" he says taking off her blindfold and handing her a white dress. "Ok but why?" she asks questioningly starting to get changed in the middle of no where "You'll see"

Jasmine changed into the outfit and placed the blindfold back on as Lando starts to guide her to where they needed to be. "Lan what are you doing?" "Just trust me, you'll love it!"

Suddenly Lando stops and takes off the blindfold as Jasmine looks around in shock at the set up around her as Lando takes a deep breath and takes both of her hands in his. 

"Jasmine, we've known each other for as long as I can remember and you've grown to be my best friend and biggest supporter. You've been there for highest highs and lowest lows, especially after a tough weekend or just when I'm struggling in general. I never thought a person could change my life as much as you did and I realised that when we didn't see each other for a few weeks but they were the worst weeks of my life and I always want you to be a part of it from now on because I can't imagine life without you anymore. So, Jasmine Fewtrell, will you marry me?" he says getting on one knee and revealing the ring.

Jasmine stands in utter shock with tears of happiness falling down her cheeks as Lando waits for her answer "I-uh, YES!!!" she screams after what feels like an eternity for Lando. 

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