Part 13

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12k likes    52 comments@f1wags-Lando Norris and Jasmine Fewtrell posted these pictures to their social media accounts on the same day

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12k likes    52 comments
Lando Norris and Jasmine Fewtrell posted these pictures to their social media accounts on the same day. Is this their soft launch?

@user1-They have to be dating

@user2-Is she Max F sister?
>@user3-Yeah younger I believe

@user4-They are goals!!!


"Jasmine come on we're gonna be late" Lando says from outside the bathroom door while I change into my outfit. I walk out and Lando stands in front of me and his eyes glimmer when he sees me which brings a smile to my face "What?" I ask "You look gorgeous Jas" he says pulling me in by the waist and kisses me gently on the lips. "We should go" "Yeah"

We got into the car and made our way to the track  for media day which meant I would be without Lando for the majority of it but Max was going to meet us there for lunch. Lots of people were at the barriers at the entrance screaming Lando's name and taking pictures of us.


11k likes      31 comments@f1wags-Look who was spotted in the paddock together holding hands 👀_______________

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11k likes      31 comments
Look who was spotted in the paddock together holding hands 👀

>@user2-I agree and they look so happy!!


"People are talking about us online already" I say looking towards Lando as we wait for Max at a table in hospitality. "That's ok, we'll let them speak because we're happy" Lando agrees putting his arm around the back of my chair. "MAXIE! Over here!" 

"Hey you two love birds" he says sitting down "Shut up mate, right I don't have long before I have to do things for Sky Sports" Lando says "Why are you so busy this weekend, I hardly see you" I say pouting "It's my home race love, they are keeping me, George, Lando and Alex busy" He says kissing my head. "Lando, are you done? We're having a media nightmare with your soft launch and home race!" his media manager says "Go it's ok" I say smiling at him "Ok I love you, bye mate" he says to me and Max "I love you more"

"I'm going to go find Lily and catch up with her a bit" I say standing up to leave Max "Alright, I'll probably get some content for Quadrant and try to follow Lando around a bit"

I walked out of the hospitality and was immediately surrounded by paps and fans all asking questions and taking pictures of me and I felt overwhelmed. Everywhere I looked there were people, the air started feeling thicker and my breaths became shorter with every one I took. 
"Move back guys, give her some space" A familiar australian accent says while arms wrap around my shoulders taking me out of the crowd "Your ok, just breathe, Lando's on his way here with Max, it's ok kiddo" he says as we sit in the McLaren hospitality.

"Where is she!?!" Max shouts walking through as we were sat in the corner at a table and when I see him and Lando I run straight over to them "Heyyyyy shhh your ok, your ok just breathe Jas shhhhh" he says holding me against his chest so I can match my breathing to his and focus on his breathing while kissing my head everynow and then.

3rd Person POV-"Thanks for being there mate" Lando says to Daniel who can see the heartache in his eyes at the sight of Jasmine panicking and crying "I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there" "No need to thank me mate, she's a friend" Danny says showing us his big smile before bidding goodbye and leaving to go to the RB motorhome as he was no longer a member of McLaren.

Once Jasmine was calmer she let go of Max and wrapped her arms around Lando who immediately embraced her and kissed her head whispering sweet nothings to her and she felt a sense of relaxation and safety being around the two people she loves most in the world, her boyfriend/childhood bestfriend and favourite brother (but don't tell Sam and Theo).

It's now qualifying and it's tight. Lando is currently on his last flying lap and takes PROVISIONAL POLE!!!!! "OMG HE'S DONE IT!!!" Jasmine screams as the garage erupts along with the crowd "And Max Verstappen takes POLE POSITION FOR TOMORROWS BRITISH GRAND PRIX!! It was a close call for our young British driver Lando Norris but he's on the front row in his home GP for the first time!" 

Lando parks his car behind the P2 board and immediatley runs to Jasmine and his team, "YOU DID, FRONT ROW LAN!!" she shouts while hugging him. After being weighed on the scale and removing his helmet he goes back over to Jasmine and kisses her in front of everyone. This is it, the whole world knows that they're together. Shortly after he is pulled away for his interview.

"So Lando, front row tomorrow in front of your home crowd and nearly a pole position, how does that make you feel?" "Amazing, it's so special and being at home is really just incredible." "And you just kissed Jasmine Fewtrell, how is that?" "It's amazing and I believe that she's my racing lucky charm" "That's cute, well we wish you the best for your relationship and for tomorrows race" "Thank you"

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