Part 18

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This weekend was Hungary race week and today was Saturday which meant Quali day. Yesterday Lando was complaining about the car not feeling good so the engineers were constantly changing and adjusting things to try and improve the cars conditions but the car still wasn't feeling the best. Lando had qualified 9th and wasn't too happy with everything that was going on and the way he felt that the team were letting him down.

When he got out of the car he was clearly frustrated and when he saw Jasmine sat at the back of the garage he walked straight over to her and she wrapped her arms around him both without saying anything because they knew he just needed a minute to calm down and compose himself again. However, they were soon interrupted by Lando's media manager telling them he needed to do his interviews in the media pen so Jasmine told him that she would spend some time with Lily while she waited for Alex to finish his media duties. 

"Lily!" Jasmine shouted when she spotted her friend sitting on a bench in the middle of the paddock alone "Jasmine! Hey how are you!" "I'm good, how are you" Yeah I'm really thanks, how's Lando, he was complaining about the car?" "Yeah he's not the happiest right now but hopefully his mood will improve by  tomorrow when he gets back into the car, Alex was close to getting Q2!" "Yeah, he's not in the best of moods either, the boys are too hard on themselves" "I agree, they only see their mistakes until they achieve something and then they're proud of themselves" "Yeah, and social media doesn't help them at all" "Nope, ugh theres the Netflix crew filming us" "Let's go into hospitality get a drink and away from them" "McLaren or Williams" "Williams obviously! Just tell Lando where you are before he freaks out!" "Hahaha I will do"

Once in Williams and sat at a table with your drinks Lily turns her phone to you showing an instagram post "You've been papped on the Wags account" 

Once in Williams and sat at a table with your drinks Lily turns her phone to you showing an instagram post "You've been papped on the Wags account" 

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@f1wags-Jasmine Fewtrell supporting Lando this weekend in his garage 

"Well at least I look good in the picture!" Jasmine says causing both girls to high five and laugh earning looks from a couple of people but not caring. "Jasmine, your lover boy is outside waiting for you. He wasn't allowed in" Alex says wrapping his arms around Lily's shoulders "Ok, I'm going by Lils" "Bye babe"

"Hey Lan" Jasmine said wrapping her arms around his neck "Hey" he says sounding deflated "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I just want to go to the hotel and cuddle my beautiful girlfriend" he says kissing her head "Well let's go then"

RACE DAY-It would be lights out any minute now and the boys had all just done the formation lap with Lando complaining about his pedals feeling stiff and his engineers checked the data and told him everything was fine. On the first few laps, Lando had dropped back down the grid to P13 and he was constantly complaining over the radio with the team just telling him to keep pushing. Jasmine had turned around from the screen to talk to Joe from the media team who she had spoken to multiple times in the past and now considered him a friend when they heard gasps from multiple people and a car off the track in bits and pieces. "Who is it?" she asks not getting an answer so looking towards the screen for the replay as she sees car number 4 come into contact with the car in front earning air time and spinning out. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she looked towards the pit lane where she saw the other cars coming in and a worried yet frustrated Zak sat on the pit wall. She walks out of the garage after all the drivers and cars are in with their teams "Zak, is he ok?" she asks holding back a sob "We haven't heard anything yet" he responds and she lets her tears fall as she sees Lily run towards her with open arms "He'll be ok, he's strong" she whispers in Jasmine's ear as she nods in response. "Jasmine, marshalls are getting him out of the car into the ambulance. They're taking him to the hospital straight away" Zak tells her as Daniel approaches them "Is he ok?" the aussi asks "They're taking him to the hospital" Lily says as Jasmine is still crying in her arms "I'll take you straight there Jasmine" Danny offers and she nods in agreement before thanking Lily and leaving track.

Once in the car Jasmine gets a call from Max to which she answers straight away sensing his worry as his best friend has just been rushed to hospital "Jasmine! Where are you? Are you ok?! Is Lando ok?!" Max says in one breath clearly panicking which sets Jasmine off crying again. Danny sees Jasmine struggle to talk and takes the phone putting it on speaker "Uhm, hey Max, it's Daniel, I'm taking Jasmine to the hospital to meet him there. We haven't heard anything yet" "Keep me updated, is Jasmine ok?" "She will be once she knows how Lando is I think, she's really struggling without knowing his condition" "Yeah I figured that, let her know to call me whenever she needs to" "She nodded your speaker but we're here now so we'll call you later when we know more" "Ok thanks Daniel, love you Jasmine"

The two get out of the car and Daniel puts his arm around Jasmine's shoulders and she rests her head on his as they walk to the front desk while paparazzi were stood taking pictures. "Hi, we're here for Lando Norris, do you know where he is?" Danny asks the receptionist lady "What's your relationship" she asks "Uhm she's his girlfriend and I'm his friend" "Ok, well he's in examination getting tests done but I'll let you know when he's out so you can see him" "Thank you"

The pair sit in the waiting area waiting anxiously, "Do you want to watch the rest of the race? I'm sure it's still on" Daniel asks Jasmine "No" she answers "It's ok, he's gonna be fine" he tries to reassure him "How do you know that?!?! This is his worst accident! Before this his worst was spinning in Spa" she snaps at him before realising what she's done "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" she says starting to cry again so Daniel pulls her closer "I don't know that he'll be ok but he's strong and we have to be possitive" "Mhm ok" 

"Who's here for Lando Norris?" a nurse asks causing them to stand and introduce themselves and relation "So, he has a severe concussion from the impact and 2 broken ribs but other than that he's ok. He'll need 5 weeks recovering which means no racing at all but after 3 weeks he can start to work out again but we'll tell his trainer more on that in an email" she says "He's awake and in room 210 on the 3rd floor so you can go see him now if you'd like" "Thank you so much"

Jasmine practically runs up to the third floor not even bothering with the lift so taking the stairs, checking each room number on the corridor before finding it. Room 210. She opens the door immediately and sees Lando lying there in the bed looking at her with a smile on his face causing tears to build up again "I'm surprised I have any tears left" she says laughing through her tears "Come here love, you too Daniel" he says as the aussi comes in closing the door behind him. Jasmine got in the bed next to him carefully and rested her head on him while he kissed her head. "How you feeling mate?" Danny asks "I'm good, a little sore with a banging head ache but I'm alright" Lando says just as Daniels phoen rings so he leaves to answer. "You ok Jas" Lando asks "I am now, I was so scared Lan, no one told me it was you until I saw the replay and then you weren't responding and we were told you cam straight to the hospital and it was the most scared I've ever been in my life. I thought I'd lost you" she said crying again "Oh love, I'm sorry but I'm fine, look I'm with you now" he says reassuringly as he kisses Jasmine's head and Daniel walks back in "Sorry but I have to go, that was Christian he needs me back in the paddock" "Yeah that's fine" Thank you Daniel, for everything today, and sorry again for snapping at you before" "It's ok Jas, get well Lan"

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