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"I'm not going to be surprised if we get kidnapped in this parking lot," I inform my friend, who looks too comfortable in our dangerous atmosphere.

In the dark, I can see Poppy's hands wave dismissively. She even has the nerve to roll her eyes. My hand clutches my purse tight to my jacket. I scan the parking lot as we walk towards the building.

"Bah, humbug," Poppy spits out and kicks a pile of snow on the curb, "This was your decision to go to Walmart at this time of night. We're here because of you, remember that, Lily. Now, let's go inside." I follow my sassy short friend inside the Walmart. I guess she's right. Though, I'll never tell her that. I would never hear the end of it.

Instantly, my body warms as heat blasts right when I walk through the door. My arm wraps around Poppy's, so I don't lose her in the crowd. There is a ridiculous amount of Christmas shoppers here tonight. I guess it is the 18th of December, of course, the stores are going to be crowded with shoppers. Swiveling left and right, trying not to run into anyone, I reach the shopping cart section.

Poppy groans from beside me. I look down at the short girl to see her nose is crinkled in disgust. "I'd rather not get a cart," she says, "I don't want to drag it around. We can carry everything." I let go of the handle. Someone else quickly swoops in and takes it for themselves. Wow. It's crush or be crushed in here.

"If you insist. But, we're only here for a few things. Try to control yourself and don't go buying half of the store." I strictly tell Poppy and lead us into the main part of the building.

 She turns her nose up, but I can see her eyes following a cute guy with a Christmas hat on. "You say that like I have a shopping problem. Oh! Look at that guy, he's hot." I sigh and try to direct her away from him. We don't have time for distractions.

"Aww! Look at that. He's raising charity money to buy presents for kids. I need to go give him some money." Poppy insists and tries to drag me over there, but I pull against her. I glance over to the guy, who is already swarmed by girls. They all throw their cash at him like he's a stripper. 

"We don't fall into lame marketing strategies, no matter how cute they are," I grunt as I'm using all my force to get Poppy to not abandon me. I almost fall over when she stops resisting.

Poppy fake sniffles, and now it's my turn to roll my eyes. She wipes her invisible tears away, "If you love me, then you'll let me see him after." I give in. I'll let the poor girl go and meet the guy she's only going to see once in her life. She's probably just going to freeze up around him anyway.

 "Fineee," I let out, "But," I add. Poppy repeats the word sarcastically. I continue, "Only if you behave yourself and let me get my gingerbread house." To my surprise, she calms down and behaves. Who knew a 17-year-old girl could act so childish?

"Your beloved gingerbread house. I'm ashamed you waited until the last minute to get it," Poppy pokes at me, "The contest is tomorrow, you know."

 I sigh because she's right again. "Yes, I am very aware. It has slipped my mind for the past week, but I will guarantee you that I'll still beat your little gingerbread train tomorrow." I say with confidence. If I buy the gingerbread house tonight, I only have a few hours to decorate it tomorrow before the party, but I'm still confident in my ability to beat Poppy. A simple "Pfft" is her only response.

She drags her hands across the hanging shirts as we cut through the clothes section. "My bet is on Uncle Steve, honestly," Poppy says, and I agree. I wouldn't doubt the only art major in our family will win. "I wonder if he shaved that ugly mustache of his," she adds, and I can't help but laugh.

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