Chapter 19: Lovers to friends

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The next morning, 7am


I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing. I picked up the phone while checking my surroundings. I was in my office, my laptop open but off in front of me. I fell asleep while working late last night. I stopped the alarm and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Then my phone rang with an incoming call from Miguel.

Miguel: Hey man. I heard about the incident and Nadia. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
Carlos: It's nothing but thanks.

I wasn't affected by this. Astraea was. And THAT affects me.

Miguel: How's Astraea doing?
Carlos: *sighs* Nadia told her everything, and I told her about the night I threatened her life.
Miguel: And how did it go?
Carlos: *sarcastically* Great, actually! She probably hates me for all the shit I did and she's currently at her dad's house.

I got the call from Lexi, saying she texted her to tell me. She didn't even text me herself. She left the engagement ring in our room, along with most of her things. The only thing missing was her gun. She probably took it with her before she left. I really fucked up.

Miguel: I don't think she HATES you. It's a lot for her to process. Give her time. Eventually, she'll be able to forgive you.
Carlos: I hope so. I love her. I love her so much it drives me insane. I would bring down the world for her. But I've already lost her.
Miguel: So you're giving up now?

I jolted up. I was fully awake now. Giving up? I'm just accepting the situation.

Miguel: Carlos, you haven't lost her until you give up on her. It's been one day. Nothing this big is fixed so quickly. It is going to take time but if you give up fighting for her now then be sure you will lose her forever. You are Carlos Angelo fucking DeLuca. You didn't give up when Rocco threatened your family. You didn't give up when Levi kidnapped Astraea and Carmella. You didn't give up when Astraea drove off in the middle of the night. There is no way in hell that you of all people are going to give up on Astraea. After all you've been through with her, you can't give up on her. Never say that again or I swear I'll will come knock some sense into you.

A laugh escaped my mouth. I know he wouldn't be able to do that but now isn't the time to bring that up.

Carlos: You're right. I won't give up on her. I'll give her time but I won't stop fighting for her forgiveness. Even if she can't love me again, I'll stay by her side.
Miguel: That's my man! Now stop sulking and go get ready for that meeting you have in an hour. You probably look like the undead right now. Go take a shower, refresh yourself, and go to that meeting like the dangerous don you are.
Carlos: Thanks Miguel. I needed this.
Oliver: I know you did. Call me later.
Carlos: Will do. Adiós. (Bye.)

I hung up and took a deep breath. I left my office and went to my room. I looked in my mirror and Miguel was right. I need to refresh myself. I hopped into the shower, letting the warm water relax me. I stayed in for about 15 minutes before getting out to get dressed. I put on an all black suit, leaving out the tie, and I made my hair look neat. I took a deep breath and went downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen so I went to her and gave her a hug.

Maria: I was about to send Giovanni upstairs to check if you were still alive. You're usually up by this time.
Carlos: Yeah, I stayed up late to finish up some work. Where's Enzo?
Maria: He went out with Justin. He wanted to speak to Astraea today but since she's with her father he'll wait until she's back

I nodded.

Carlos: Diego said she'd come back after therapy.
Maria: Therapy?
Carlos: She has a...self harming issue... The result of Valeska's death.
Maria: That's terrible. It must have taken a toll on her. I wondered why her hand was wrapped up.

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