Chapter 18: Grip Reapers

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As Issei drifted into the realm of dreams, he found himself transported to his mindscape once more. The familiar Satanic Church, the dwelling place of Dark-sei, surrounded him. From the shadows, Dark-sei emerged, wearing a sinister smirk.

In an annoyed tone, Issei questioned, "What do you want now?"

"Oh, nothing really," Dark-sei replied mockingly, "Just here to congratulate you on dealing with the dragon eater and those false heroes."

Suspicion crept into Issei's voice as he asked, "What are you planning?"

A sly grin played on Dark-sei's lips as he responded, "What makes you think I'm planning something?"

"I've never heard your praise until now," Issei retorted, "I can only infer that you've got some grand scheme in mind for me. Something that's bound to be a real headache."

With a mocking tone, Dark-sei teased, "Who knows? Either way, it'll be beneficial to you," before retreating into the shadows, leaving Issei to overthink his cryptic words.

Issei was abruptly pulled out of his mindscape, returning to consciousness not by choice but due to a tactile sensation. A touch on his body revealed a pair of breasts wrapped around his right arm, accompanied by a series of kisses, licks, and sucking sensations on his neck, jaw, and cheek.

Amused, Issei chuckled, assuming the person showing him affection was Rossweisse. "Rose, stop," he muttered.

The unexpected revelation shattered his assumption as Rias exclaimed in shock and anger, "ROSE?!"

Issei's eyes shot open, realizing that the source of the affection was not Rossweisse but Rias. On his left, Akeno suppressed a laugh, adding another layer to the unexpected and somewhat awkward situation.

Moments earlier

Rias and Akeno found themselves in the same room with Vali and Azazel, witnessing Asia's healing prowess as she tended to Azazel's wounds. Vali, beset by Samael's Poison, vomited black globs into a nearby bucket. Kuroka, having recently been healed by Asia, stood beside Vali, the Poison expelled from his body using her Senjutsu.

As Azazel regained consciousness, his gaze fixed on Akeno and Rias. In a weak tone, he inquired, "Where's Issei?"

Rias responded, "Taking a break. He mentioned he'd be temporarily indisposed thanks to those intriguing nanites, as he likes to call them."

Rasping with a faint chuckle, Azazel reminisced about Issei's schemes involving the Samael Poison Imbued Sword. "So, that was his grand scheme with that blade, huh? Naturally, he'd uncover a workaround for the Dragon Slaying Poison."

Curiosity piqued, Azazel asked, "Where are the rest?"

Akeno explained, "Kiba is scouting the hotel, Le Fay is setting up traps and barriers, and Koneko is guarding her. Irina is with Xenovia, and Ravel sits outside Issei's room."

"I see," Azazel replied.

He continued with a mischievous smirk, "If Issei is resting as you say he is, that would mean he is currently human."

"Human?" Rias asked in confusion.

"Yes, human. He has the ability to turn off all his powers and become completely human; he does this so he can enjoy normal life. When he sleeps, he usually goes human to enjoy sleeping, meaning right now, he has both his senses and defences down," Azazel explained, planting ideas in Rias and Akeno's minds.

Understanding Azazel's implication, Rias politely excused herself, and Akeno followed suit with a bow before hurrying after Rias. The heavy thuds of their footsteps suggested a quick departure from the room.

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