The intense search for Bobby

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Dylan walked as fast as his leg could carry him downstairs so he could meet Mandy then he saw Marvin who was standing right beside the railings "Where are you going?" Marvin asked.

"I came to see my mother-in-law of course, what else?" Dylan responded asking a question simultaneously. "Nothing in particular except that we have a very big problem", Marvin answered. "And what is that?" Dylan asked concerned. "Bobby is not in the jungle where we had left him. He was nowhere to be found last night and then Doris is trying her best to find him since he did not return home yesterday. She went out to meet an inspector already, he is waiting outside" Marvin added.

"To keep our secret, we have to find him before anyone else does. Let's go, meet me outside somehow", Dylan said as he walked away quickly.

Doris approached the inspector with a frown on her face "Good morning" she greeted calmly. "Good morning Miss Doris," he said while Doris gave a straight face. "I am very sorry that I have come over here due to work after your friends' demise which I promised to help you with but I can tell you that the new inspector over there is capable and will be able to handle the case properly. And again you must be wondering why I called you that miss, that is because I do not know the name of your switched husband" the inspector said as he began to laugh.

"Who told you that?" Doris asked. "That's one thing you do not know Madam Doris, news travels faster when they are connected to an event" He answered. "Either way I am not here to talk rubbish with you but to find my father, he was last seen in the house. You can come in so we can discuss this better" Doris decided to go inside the house but the statement the inspector made made her stop "I do not want to go into the house where people vanish, first it was your father's friend, Sonya's husband nine days ago and now your father on your wedding day. Isn't that suspicious?" he added simultaneously.

Doris turned back sharply "Will you keep talking rubbish or will you do your work?" Doris asked furious. "Oh... Yes about that let me see..... your father was last seen in the house yesterday evening by your explanation and there is a dense forest at the back of your huge mansion, so where do you think we will start from if you get me," The inspector said as he ordered his boys to get into the car and move.

Marvin and Dylan were hiding at the back of the tree in the compound the whole time while the discussion went on "Marvin, we have to be there before them. If they find the body before us our secret may be endangered so to prevent that we have to find him first and end Bobby's life" Dylan expressed himself as he dragged Marvin along.

Dylan and Marvin approached the hole they had left Bobby's body half-dead. "Dylan, this is the hole we have left him but when I came back here he was not here I looked around but to no avail," Marvin said. "So as not to waste time, you go that way and I will go this way. Make sure you aren't seen by any of them," Dylan said responsibly and they departed.

Doris, the inspector, and the boys all came out of the police van so they could also find Bobby's body. "Let's go, inspector......" Doris said as she headed towards the forest from the main road. "Wait, you cannot just go in like that. What if it was someone or something like an animal that attacked him or contributed to what happened? So I brought a special guest for a special job" The inspector said.

He then beckoned to one of the policemen, the man went to the back of the van and opened a cage that a police dog ran out of. The dog wagged its tail continuously as the inspector brought one of Bobby's clothes closer to its nose so it could smell it. Then it barked and ran into the forest while they all followed.

Dylan looked and searched around but he could not find the body of Bobby. "Where will I find his body? I am sure that traitor is still here somewhere but I cannot find him, where could he be? I have to find him somehow, my powers can find him" He said as he closed his eyes and used his inner eye to search through the forest. He opened his eyes suddenly "I know where he is" he ran as fast as possible towards the direction where he saw in his vision.

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