Newton's Thoughts

Start from the beginning

Hamza pulled up his cape before disappearing into the shadows as well. Six minutes later he stood in the most of six bodies laying on the floor. The others walked towards him with mouth agape.

"You knew that they would be six on your side, you definitely did that on purpose" Ellery muttered causing the king to shrugged nonchalantly.

"Now, the only way to get in is being invisible and hiding our scents" Hamza said getting some portions from his small backpack and passing it to each of them.

"Drink that, it takes twelve hours to wear off because I've added some magic to it," he added zipping up the backpack. Hide the bodies. They aren't dead, they have families. Leave them a message" the king said frostily but calmly. His men quickly started doing as they were told while Ellery gulped down his potion.

"You loves her, don't you?" Ellery said looking at the empty glass bottle. He sounded a bit bitter for some reason.

"I do. So much" Hamza replied, not hiding the fact that Ellery's assumption was in fact correct.

"I see. You're lucky. I've never heard of her staying close to any man but for someone reason she is close to you now" Ellery said with a smile but his smile looked a bit sad to Hamza. After the his men were done hiding the unconscious bodies, the four men returned.

"How do we get in?" Newton asked as he adjusted his sword.

"Through water, that's the only way in" Hamza said walking towards a glistering lake. The lake might look shallow on the outside but as you walk further, you will find the deeper side which leads all the way into the castle. The others followed suit, Hamza was praying that Kelshun's power doesn't burst out of control, that's the only thing he's worried about because she is a strong warrior after all and is afraid of nothing.

The four men submerged themselves into the cool waters of the lake, their bodies disappearing beneath the surface. The darkness enveloped them as they swam deeper, their movements steady and purposeful. They could feel the weight of the water pressing against their bodies, but the adrenaline pulsating through their veins kept them going.

As they reached the deeper side of the lake, they could see the faint glow of torches illuminating the perimeter of the castle. It was a haunting sight, the eerie shadows dancing on the castle walls. The men remained silent, relying on their heightened senses and their magical potions to keep them hidden and undetected.

Hamza, leading the way, signaled for the others to follow him as he swam towards a concealed entrance, hidden amongst the overgrown vines and algae. The water seemed to guide them effortlessly, its currents gliding them towards their destination as if it had a purpose of its own.

Emerging from the water, their bodies dripping with the remnants of the lake, the men found themselves in a dimly lit corridor. The air was heavy with a mix of musty dampness and the scent of decaying wood. The castle had an air of both elegance and neglect, as if it had witnessed both grandeur and despair.

Hamza outstretched his hand, signaling the others to halt. His keen ears caught the faint sound of footsteps echoing in the distance, followed by muffled voices. The guards were near.

Whispering under his breath, Hamza cast a spell of silence, effectively muffling their own movements. The group moved swiftly and silently, their steps light as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. They were like phantoms, gliding through the darkness, their senses sharp and focused.

Finally, they reached the heart of the castle, where Kelshun was being held captive. They could hear her voice, a mixture of defiance and strength, reverberating through the cold stone walls. Hamza's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and worry. He knew time was of the essence, that the closer they were to finding her, the more dangerous the situation became.

With a flicker of his wrist, Hamza created an illusion, masking their presence from the guards stationed just outside the cell. The guards stood still, unaware of the intruders mere inches away. Newton and Topaz nodded, their swords at the ready, while Titan and Reginald stood poised to strike if needed.

Hamza's hand trembled slightly as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small golden key. He inserted it into the lock, the metal clicking softly as it turned. With a creak, the cell door swung open, revealing Kelshun's defiant form.

She stood tall and unyielding, her eyes filled with a mix of surprise and determination. There was a fire within her, a spirit that he had always admired. Kelshun took a step forward, her gaze piercing through Hamza as if to assess his intentions.

Hamza's lips curled into a gentle smile, a mixture of relief and love. "We're here to take you home," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.

Kelshun's defenses slowly crumbled, and a single tear escaped her eye. She stepped towards Hamza, the distance between them closing with every breath. Their hearts beat in synchrony, their souls longing for the connection they had been forcefully torn apart from.

Without hesitation, Hamza wrapped his arms around Kelshun, his grip tightening as if to assure her of his unwavering love. The turmoil of their journey, the trials they had endured, all faded away in that one moment of reunion.

As they embraced, Hamza could feel the weight of Kelshun's head on his shoulder, her tears soaking through his clothes. They stood there, entwined in each other's arms, unmoving and oblivious to the world around them.

But their moment of solace was short-lived. The guards outside the cell stirred, their suspicions aroused. Hamza pulled away slightly, his eyes fixed on Kelshun's. "We have to go, now," he whispered urgently, his voice laced with determination.

With a nod, Kelshun wiped away her tears and steeled herself for what lay ahead. She had fought battles before, and she was ready to fight again. Hand in hand, they turned towards their companions, who were waiting just outside the cell.

Together, the group prepared to face the oncoming storm, their resolve unyielding and their unity unwavering. They would fight for their love, for their freedom, and for a future where they could be together, against all odds.

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