30 : choose - Love or duty pt .2

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Mew& Tharn : WHAT!

Tharn : are you sure that my baby was in the car tell me .

Mew : tell us what happened to them ? Brother let's go there.

Tharn : yes let's go fast tell our driver to get our cars ready also tell Prince kao to search for gulf & Type .

They both went to the place where gulf & type got kidnapped. They reached there and saw their royal bodyguard are lying down on street their car got all destroyed. Right know mew & tharn are looking very helpless. Don't know what to do now .  For them their world turned upside down. They are looking so stressed and suddenly Tharn 's call rang.

Tharn : Hello.

:- Hello ! My dear cousin. I am sure that your brothers is also with you .

Tharn : ART!

Art :- don't shout on me brother otherwise I don't guarantee if I hurt your Wifey.

Tharn : if something happened to them I am sure that I will kill you .

Art : oh ! Did you think that I am scared of you? No way.. you think I will do as you say na na.. Now let's get to the point of you want to save your wifes then tell King Mew that give us his throne and i will not kill them for sure.

Tharn : no way we will not do this.

Art :- oh ! Don't make disicion too fast think about your wife tharn . Let mew make disicion . Ok I will give you time to think
Okay byy...

Tharn :- wait! Shit he cut the call...

Mew : brother what happened ?

Tharn: Art called. He want throne when he will get it after that they release our wifes.

Mew : huh! This is Ridiculous. How can we find them.. ( suddenly mew 's phone rang ) Hello kao where are you ?

Kao : brother that's my question. Please come back to the palace other
wise you too also in danger.

Mew : huh ! What about gulf & type ?

Kao : brother first come to the palace. Uncle & aunty
Is also here and they are not in good condition. Please come fast..

Mew :- okay i will come fast .. he hung the call.

Tharn : what kao told ?

Mew : he told me that we have to go the palace as soon as possible. He told me it won't be safe for us

Tharn :- ok let's go

They reach their palace and they saw gulf & type parents are crying and thier friends are here and they also looking so stressed.

Tharn : when you guys come here and mom & dad where is kao he told us to come here ASAP

Drake : I tell kao to call us he is in his secret room and he told us that when you both come home so we can go to his secret room ... Strange but he never let us go to his secret room

Mew : he has secret room ?

Tharn : yeah ! But we don't know where it is ? I think properly in his room .

Thanari:- what about gulf & type. They are okay? Did you find where are they ?

Tharn : dad& mom it's clear that Art kiddneped them but we can't know that we're are they ? Don't worry we will find them soon...

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