15. Recovering from the lamp

Start from the beginning

He heard movement outside the room, so he stopped exercizing and backed away from the door.

Sean quickly got up, moving back to see what Tonuk was bringing, finally having some entertainment.

He saw Tonuk carrying another wooden box, which it then put down, it was almost Sean's height.

Still, he managed to look inside, seeing just a ton of small multicolored balls, he was focused on all the colors, which he had missed seeing for so long, that he noticed too late as Tonuk quickly picked him up, placing him in the box.

He got annoyed at the fact that this alien was liking the idea of just moving him around whenever, thankfully he had a ton of new ammo.

He proceeded to throw a ton of the bouncy balls at Tonuk, chuckling as the alien made a cut off "ack" sound.

He was reaching down for more ammo as he felt a ball land square in his face, making him fall back on the box.

He was finally relaxing, as the two continued playing around for a while, eventually getting out of the box, running around pelting the alien in the chest.

Though, he quickly got tired again from jumping around, realizing he was still feeling a bit weak from almost dying a while before.

He laid back on the cold ground, breathing heavily, but smiling, making sure not to show his teeth.

He sat back up and saw as Tonuk reached over to him.

Sean tensed up a bit, frowning a bit as he saw Tonuk's hand coming, prepared to fight back if Tonuk picked him up again.

Tonuk simply put its massive hand on his head and kept it there for a bit, which felt kind of weird, having the creatures hand covering his entire head and drooping down to his face, as it was surprisingly squishy.

Sean then felt as it warmed up quite a bit for some reason, and though at first it was weird, just Tonuk laying its hand on his head for a bit, it did feel kinda nice.

Being touch starved for a over a month probably contributed to Sean accepting Tonuk's weird "pet" (At least that's what he thought it could be).

Still, he felt that this was weird and once again got some determination to learn more words and show his sentience, getting up and walking to the cage.

He tapped it with his fingers and said "Krumf", watching as Tonuk reacted a bit surprised, then he walked over to the dumbells, repeating back "Retue".

He made sure that Tonuk was paying attention as he tapped the ball, silently waiting for an answer.

Tonuk stared at Sean for a while before saying "Pum", which Sean repeated back with some struggle.

He then moved on to the water beaker, tapping it, learning that it was called "Clo!" (!=Tongue click)

Sean managed to repeat the sound back, struggling quite a lot, though the click was fairly high pitch, as opposed to Tonuk's somehow low pitched click.

Tonuk eventually reached over to Sean, tapping him and repeating "Toru", a couple of times, Sean responded by tapping himself and repeating back his own name.

They both eventually gave up, deciding to learn more words.

He learned that food=Vo!, clothes/sweater=Logno.

He wanted to continue learning more words but his voice was running out already, having gotten unused to speaking, especially with the very low tones.

He sat down in front of Tonuk, who was sitting down cross legged, leaning against a wall, looking down at him.

They continued to sit down, simply staring at eachother for a bit before Tonuk reached over to give another one of its weird "warmth pets".

Sean found himself enjoying the warmth a bit, walking closer to Tonuk and sitting down next to it, even while sitting its barely raised knee reached to his shoulder.

Sean felt as Tonuk put its hand back on top of him, this time though, he grabbed its hand, curious about it.

He inspected it, seeing that it was shaped similarly to a human hand, but it had fur at the back and pads where the palms would be, he noticed that most of the warmth was coming from those.

He let go of Tonuk's hand, which proceeded to go back on top of his head, warming him up comfortably.

He looked up to Tonuk, who was giving some slow blinks.

Sean sighed, resting his head on Tonuk's leg, talking to him, "I know you guys aren't bad, I guess, but genuinely, like, how do you guys not know I can speak my own language?"

He looked back up to Tonuk, who simply looked back at him, so he leaned on its leg in dissapointment, sighing.

He laid there for a while, then he noticed that it was warming up like how its hand did, if a bit more slowly.

He enjoyed the warmth, then finding out that the warmth was only where he was laying on, discovering this after feeling the cold fur in the rest of Tonuk's leg.

They both laid there for a long while, but after a bit, Tonuk tapped Sean's head again before leaving, making repeating "O lun tek" or "Oluntek" or some other variation, he couldn't tell if it was a phrase or word

Sean was left alone with the bunch of balls scattered around the room, so he started practicing the new words he learnt in his head.

He was bored for a fair bit of time until Tonuk eventually came back, this time with another box, it was fairly small though, barely reaching his knees in height, it was fairly wide though.

He tried seeing what the thing could be as Tonuk pulled it, using its tail to sweep away the balls laying around.

Tonuk reached over again, picking him up once more, annoying Sean, though grumbling seemed to make Tonuk finally understand that.

He was placed on top of the weird machine, which had a very wide metal plate for him to stand on, as another metal plate raised up behind him.

He waited around, as nothing happened, a bit of whirring at the plate but that's it.

Tonuk nudged him off the plate before tapping its wrist for a while, with wide eyes.

Sean looked up at Tonuk, though doing this so much was making his neck hurt.

Eventually, Tonuk sat down in front of Sean, then reaching over to his arm, grabbing it lightly.

Sean tensed up all over, as Tonuk's claws were pressing up against his skin.

But Tonuk was simply inspecting his arm, pressing it at random spots, thankfully it was with the pads of its paws.

It continued, pressing seemingly at random before continuously knocking his elbow, putting its head right up against Seans arm.

Sean noticed some very long, fluffy ears coming out of Tonuk's head that weren't there before, which were pressed up against his arm, though he saw why as the alien raised its head back up, with its ears folding back, hiding them.

Sean was very confused as Tonuk simply let go of his arm and made a bunch of taps on his wrist.

Tonuk then left, leaving Sean Still confused, though then he quickly got bored again, having to clean up the balls.

Glossary (Tonovo):
Logno=Clothes or sweater
Lun=going to/will
Tek=Come back

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now