Chapter 1

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Tw: mentions of self harm, blood, injuries, mental health, depression!

Hey y'all! Welcome to my new story 'Santa, bring me happiness!' This story won't be your average Christmas story. It is more on the darker side but i will try my best to warm up the story as we go further!

Since the holidays are rapidly approacing, i wanted to write another Christmas story, just like i did last year with 'Romance in Rome'. If you haven't read that story yet, i suggest you do so if you want to of course :)!

Anyways, withouth further ado, I hope you will enjoy this story and as always let me know what you think. This first chapter is just an introduction and an explanation so you guys can understand what happened, before we can move on to the actual story itself!


It all started two years ago....Mitch's battle with this illness. He has been dealing with this his whole life but ever since the car accident, his case got way worse.

Depression....that son of a bitch.

Two years ago, Mitch and his sister Katy got into a car accident on the road. They were out and about, Christmas shopping but when they were on their way home, they slipped on the icy roads and slammed against a tree.

Noone else got hurt or involved in the accident but unfortunately, Katy did not make it out alive.

Mitch was the one who drove the car when the accident happened and when he came to, he saw his sister unconcious and not breathing.

Katy was covered in blood and she had several injueries on her body. What caused her death was a tree branch going right through her chest.

That sight that night was something Mitch will carry with himself for the rest of his life. Seeing his sister like that, gave Mitch nightmares for long still does sometimes.

Katy was Mitch's everything. They only had a two year age gap and obviously they grew up together. They were best friends.

Mitch blamed himself for what happened altho it was not his fault. Yes he drove the car but he did not slip and crash on purpose. He would have never done that.

Grief and shock often told Mitch he was the one who should have died that night so he tried to take his own life a few times.

Luckily, his parents always found him and took him to the hospital. After a while tho, they realized that Mitch needed more than just theraphy.

He needed more attention that what they could have gave him...medical attention. Professional attention.

So they took him to professionals. A hospital, that specialized in PTSD patients and mental health issues. Of course Mitch didn't want to go, but he didn't really have a say in it.

At first, they just took Mitch to treatments then brought him back home but that wasn't manageable after a while.

Both parents worked and altho they made a lot of money and they were considered rich, they had no time to bring Mitch to every appointment.

So they did the next best thing. They paid for a spot in the hospital for Mitch to stay there at all times. That way he couldn't harm himself and he was always available when the doctors needed him.

Unfortunately, this whole traumatic event, took a toll on the parents's marrige as well and they ended up getting divorced.

They felt like they lost both of their kids even tho Mitch was still alive, he was no longer himself. He was a shell of the happy human he used to be.

They did not want to tell Mitch about the divorce but sooner or later he would have found out anyways, so they told him as softly as they possibly could.

Due to Mitch's already unstable mental state, he obviously did not take the news well. His entire family basically stopped excisting.

He no longer had a sister, and his parents got divorced...because of him. That is what Mitch thought at least.

He was already blaming himself for Katy's death and now he added to the pile with his parents's divorce.

Any and every progress he made was completely wiped from his brain. He fell into a vicious cicle of getting better just to be hit with a new wave of sadness.

Mitch's parents visited him often, even if they got divorced. Sometimes only one of them but other times, they happened to be in the hospital at the same time....only Mitch did not want them there.

Let me clarify....of course Mitch wanted his parents by his side...but he also wanted to keep them away for their well-being.

Mitch felt like he was pulling his parents down into the same deep, black hole he fell into months ago and couldn't seem to get out. And he did not want that.

So he did everything to keep them away. He stopped talking to them, he acted rudely...he made their presence unwelcome and altho it hurt them a lot....they knew they needed to give Mitch the space he clearly needed.

Slowly but surely, they stopped visiting him so after a while, Mitch's only company were his never ending dark thoughts and the hospital staff who kept watching over him.

Ever since the accident, Christmas and the holidays have been especially hard for Mitch. He lost Katy right before Christmas so the holiday spirit no longer exsited.

Now there were only three weeks until Christmas and Mitch tried to forget about it all. This will be the second Christmas withouth Katy.

This Christmas will also be the first one, that Mitch will spend in the hospital entirely. The hospital tried to keep up the festive mood by hanging decorations all over the place and they also placed a Christmas tree in the lobby downstairs.

Mitch often sat in the lobby, staring at that stupid, decorated tree. If only that day they decided to stay at home, everything would be normal still....but no, nothing will ever be normal ever again.

Altho Mitch lived in that hospital full time...he wasn't really living. He was just sort of....vegitating...waiting for something to take him out of his mysery.

Little did he know, it wouldn't be 'something', it would be 'someone'.

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