I open the door and enter the room, my suitcase has already been brought up and is laying on my bed. Jordan is laying in the other bed on her phone, she looks up and I shoot her a forced smile but she looks back to her screen without saying a word, I didn't say anything either. I put my airpods in and start unpacking my suitcase, we have gotten new kits this tournement and I absolutly love the blue and pink combination. I think my favorite are the comfortable blue nike tech joggers with vest, pre match outfit but I might take them home.

I finish unpacking in time for dinner, Jordan has already left since she isn't on her bed anymore and also not in the bathroom. I quickly change into England joggers and a hoodie before making my way downstairs to the dinnerroom. I decide on some pasta and take a bottle of water before sitting with Lucy, Keira and Georgia. Lucy and Keira are the ones I know for sure kinda like me again so it my safe choice. Georgia gives me an irritated look when I sit down but I choose to ignore it and start a conversation with Luce en Kei. 'Looking forward to go back to Australia?' Lucy asks trying to lighten up the tension 'I really am, missed the weather and my family so I am excited' I reply smiling 'Are they coming to our games?' Lucy asks 'They will try to be at most and they will be at the final ofcourse' I say with a grin which makes Lucy and Keira laugh but Georgia lets out an annoyed huff and shakes her head. She is really getting on my nerves now. 'Got something to say Stanway?' I ask Georgia 'What?' She asks looking up pretending to not know what I am talking about 'Why are you being so damn irritated with me?' I ask my irritation showing 'Wanna know why?' Georgia asks frustrated, I hum in agreement. 'You are here acting like nothing happend, like you didn't broke Leah her heart, it doesn't matter to you' Georgia stops for a second 'Leah was crying herself to sleep and you were fucking La Reina and who knows else without giving a damn' Georgia almost shouts the last part 'Keep it down G' Keira says trying to calm Georgia. 'Listen Georgia, I know what I did in London was wrong but whatever happend in Barca was allowed since Leah and I broke up' I tell her 'I know and she knows but before that night when you left the club with Alexia, she was healing y/n maybe even forgiving you, convincing herself you changed' She says and hope appears in her eyes. I want to tell Georgia that I have changed and that I hope Leah will forgive me but then I remember what I promised myself at the airport before flying to Barcalona; No more feelings. 'Guess she was wrong' I say with clenched jaw and the hope in Georgia her eyes dissapears. 'I dont think Leah was y/n' Lucy suddenly says and my head snaps up to her, the three of us look at her confused as Lucy explains 'Maybe you were having a good time with Alexia but that didn't stop you for asking how Leah was or checking her socials' 'I remember our last game were you were watching the Arsenal game on the bus' Keira adds and I feel my cheeks warm up 'Can't I support my team?' I ask trying to keep up the tough act but Lucy and Keira raise their brows at me and I sigh in defeat. 'Fine, I still love her is that what you wanted to hear?' 'You do?' Georgia asks suprised 'Ofcourse, she was- is everything I ever want' I admit which clearly shockes the three of them 'What about Ale?' Lucy asks confused 'I didn't plan on that to happen but then it did and we became eachothers distraction' I explain as I play with the pasta on my plate 'So you used her?' Keira clearifies 'What? No!' I say quickly 'You kinda did' Georgia joins the conversation again 'No it was a mutual agreement, no strings attached so I assumed it was just fun for her to' I explain. It was nothing for her to right?. 'I trust your word y/n' Lucy says and I give her thankfull smile. It stays silent until I ask 'Who knows?' 'Basicly everyone has heard about it but some are still angry at you while others have moved on or forgotten about it' Georgia answers 'It is just a matter of time and nobody thinks about it anymore' Lucy says as she lays a supportive hand on my shoulder 'I hope so, I just want Leah to be okey again' I tell them 'She will be and you need to talk to her' Keira says and I huff 'Like she wants that' 'Do you regret it?' Georgia asks serious 'With my whole heart' I reply honest 'Then don't let her stubbornness stop you from telling her that' Georgia says with a small smile which I return.
We finish dinner and instead of going to the relaxationroom I decide to go back to my room, in need of some alone time to process everything.

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